• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t see how you could think that I would ban you? I don’t ban people for discussing stuff with me.

    Because apparently that is considered acceptable behavior when it very obviously should NOT be.

    If mods can just do whatever they want, there’s no point to using the platform. It’s literally no better than Reddit, and in fact is worse in many ways if mods aren’t policed or regulated in any meaningful way.

    You admins need to come the fuck out and put in place rules that you will enforce on mods to protect communities from abuses of power like that. It’s the only just way.

  • We all pay bills in the real world, my friend, and we accept the principles of democracy so we CAN pay bills and not be lorded over by dipshit wannabe tinpot tyrants.

    But we both know you just don’t want to admit you’re wrong about this. I’m sure the other guy who was threatened to be banned for speaking out as well thinks that’s a perfectly okay way to accept users.

    Actually .world requires user donations to function anyway so your point is DOUBLY moot

  • Bad faith arguing obviously IS a violation of Rule 1 and one his own users accept given that’s apparently what people were reporting others for, and it’s the commonly accepted definition of the term anyway.

    Calling out a mod obviously can’t be a violation of Rule 1 because it leads to abuses like this. It’s not about me. It’s about the other guys he was threatening, and using me as an emotional cudgel to bully the other users into compliance.

    If that’s what you think acceptable moderation is on your platform, you ought to step down, too. You can prove me right by banning me for saying that, or you can preserve the integrity of your platform by actually doing something about him. Your choice.

  • The votes look pretty even to me. And your count isn’t looking so great there, hoss.

    And yes, this is obviously a democracy and a free community. Mods and admins can’t just do what they want. People have expectations for a free and fair place to hang out they have to abide by, especially if they want to keep users.

    If you were someone considering switching over from Reddit and you saw this thread, you wouldn’t want to join regardless of how you personally felt about me.

    You are being irrational about this and you know it.

  • Because in the real world where adults pay bills, we’re allowed to stand up to other people. Especially those who think they can pretend to be authority figures and abuse power to silence anyone who tells them no.

    #SorryNotSorry this is a free society. We’re allowed to criticize people in power. We’re allowed to speak our minds, which he himself claims is apparently acceptable despite rule 1 of his own sub – but of course that rule only means what he wants it to mean and when it’s convenient to him, and you’ll just accept it.

  • Which is obviously not realistic since other people were complaining and this is still happening. The only reason I bothered to make a thread about the matter was because someone DMed me suggesting I escalate it to the admins and I knew that wouldn’t work.

    Yes, Lemmy is a democracy. It’s a federated social media platform. We come here for we the people to NOT be lorded over by fucking idiots.

    You might be okay with it, but that doesn’t mean other people are, and the “You don’t like it? Leave” method of expressing discontent doesn’t work because we want to change the communities WE already established by participating in, not be forced out of one we have a right to participate in – and the others do have a right to participate in the community whether you agree or not.

    We have rights. People have rights.

  • I wasn’t the one reporting bad faith arguing, other people were. He was the one complaining about it. I just called him out on it.

    You understand mods can’t just do whatever they want, right? You know we live in a democracy where rule is granted by the consent of a community’s people, whose interests and edicts he has an obligation to enforce and not his own?

    Or did we become okay with being ruled by tyrants all of a sudden?

    If so, what’s the point of federation?