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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I think the last 4 words of the top comment are throwing us off.

    Here’s my best recounting:

    Angels have eye spots to avoid becoming a tasty meal for a human. When an angel meets a human, the angel’s eye spots will scare the human, causing them to flee. In order to talk to a human, it was necessary for the angel to reassure them, “be not afraid”.

  • prime_number_314159@lemmy.worldtoCosmic Horror@lemm.eePredators
    30 days ago

    Most of the “3D” we see is made up by our brains. For evidence of this, look at a photograph, and look at how far away things are.

    Having eyes spaced apart does help us to tell the distance to things that are close to us, but that is only useful for a short distance. Our brains also track the parallax and occlusion of numerous objects, which helps over longer distances, but works just fine with 1 eye.

    I think there are two ways eyes could work in higher spacial dimensions, you could either have an n dimensional eye, which percieves an n-1 dimensional image, and then an understanding of “distance” is used to fill in the remaining information, or (which may just be my own 3D-ness showing) you could have several 3D eyes in different directions, each percieving different 2D images, with enough overlap to fully see the n-dimensional space. That would take n-1 eyes to properly see.

  • I’d describe it as sort of 3 layers. The first is practical/everyday things, which are mostly much nicer than being alone, but require attentiveness and communication (learn what your SO doesn’t like doing, and do it. Learn what things are work together projects, and what things are stay out of my way type things for each of you, probably other aspects too) - but once you know how to take care of each other, almost everything is less work, takes less time, and costs less money. Cooking, laundry, cleaning, gardening, repairing things, painting the house are all improved. Decorating and having guests over are harder, at least for me. You have to not fall into the trap of taking the things they do for granted, even when those things are routine.

    The second layer I’d describe is lust/romance, which is sort of easier, except that you must avoid letting things coast too long. You have to dedicate time and effort to discovering new things about each other, and new things you enjoy together. You should still be dating, no matter how long it’s been, and ideally you should both be planning things most of the time. In my relationship, this is usually 1-2 things per month, each.

    The final layer is the emotional/support layer. Almost any time, my wife can seek comfort and support from me in a variety of ways for all kinds of things, and I get the same from her. All the big problems in life are easier when you can share them, so here the benefits are huge. This is the only thing I got basically none of from having roommates or a best friend, or dating. For my situation, there’s basically no downside to this.

  • We have only a single advanced civilization to use as a comparison point for the strength or our telescopes, and that’s ourselves. From my understanding of it, the most powerful broadcast we’ve made out is 15-20MW for an over the horizon radar system, and that only ran for 40 years or so. I don’t have an exact answer, but my understanding is that even for our largest radio telescope, 20 megawatts at a distance of 100 lightyears would be below the noise floor.

    Nuclear tests are slightly more visible than that, but only occur periodically, so you’d have to have a telescope facing the right way by coincidence. Basically, if there’s an Earth-like civilization 200 lightyears away, I think we would be entirely blind to it, and that’s over a tiny distance in the scheme of things.

    The farthest known exoplanet is 27,710 lightyears away, and was discovered by the transit method - but this was made possible because the planet is very big (bigger and heavier than Jupiter), and orbits quite close to its star (with a 43 hour orbit). To be detectable at that range, a signal has to be stronger than some stars are bright.