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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Assuming this refers to essentially processed cheese like kraft singles.

    9/10 times a different cheese will taste much better and texturally if you’re using a good melting point cheese for the use case better there as well.

    That said, this style of cheese excels and is really only tolerable in HOT food. It needs to be melted. Its nasty pre-melt and its nasty post-melt. But while melted, it’s good.

    A grilled cheese with real and stringy cheeses is great. But sometimes a grilled cheese with 2 kraft singles is what you crave.

  • Funnily enough seems everyone is coming at this from the wrong angle personally. I don’t give af who I’m talking to sure, and I can confirm the instance if I must by clicking into their profile.

    That said, I more so care about someone pretending to be me in an active thread. Like an active discussion or argument and someone decides to recreate your user on a different instanceand start inserting comments that confuse the discussion.

    Or maybe you’ve stopped commenting, then someone else continues the conversation unbeknownst to you in your name.