Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Looks to me like you got (temp) banned for posting apparent incel comments in a hateful way. Not to mention your advice was exactly what the OP said they were avoiding from their own friends.

    Perhaps reading the room is a good start before you click reply. Doubling down when called out for hateful comments will rarely go well, and defaulting to name calling and reducing well-received advice to a “lib salad” (whatever that means) won’t either. Perhaps stop behaving like the internet is some place where manners and respect are optional, and you’ll feel more welcome wherever you go.

    I’m not trying to call you out or rehash that relationship advice here, only pointing out that you can disagree with people politely if you truly do desire respectful discourse. I hope you reflect on the ban and the comments replied to you. The world needs fewer, not more hateful incels or “alpha males.”

  • s38b35M5@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldPower drunk mods
    6 months ago

    This comment seems to be the first reply. I don’t get a “just for argument sake” or a combative vibe from it, nor does it mention mythology or religion. A later comment does call the source for anecdotal (and provably false) information “idiots,” which is unnecessary and likely grounds for mod action or warning.

    I don’t really read anything wrong with the mod saying to keep it clean, though the thinly-veiled threat of, “I’m a mod here and I’m not afraid to ban you,” is poorly worded at best.

    I completely agree with you about politeness. At the end of the day, I think that, judging methods alone, OP was out of line with his comments about the mods friends, but correct to point out bunk facts.

    If I was OP, I’d probably edit my comments to remove the name-calling, but as a Lemmy user, I want these discussions to take place to provide fact-checking for hearsay and debunked science. Politely, whenever possible.

  • I feel you. Thanks for the comment. “Right to be Forgotten” was the phrase I needed to see for that to click.

    I think your analogy is off the mark only in that, in the situation you describe in the lemmy platform, the teacher’s video disappears, but everyone can still see that they posted something.

    I do hope that in time, lemmy devs remove the username next to deleted posts.

    As I said to OP in another comment, lemmy gets a lot right when it comes to privacy, and much more right than most social media platforms. For me, I won’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

  • What does post/comment permanency have to do with privacy? The linked post is an opinion, with no facts backing up their extreme claims.

    It’s true that if you delete a comment, your username remains, but is that a matter of privacy? Was it acceptably private before deletion? Why does that change afterwards?

    I’m extremely skeptical of the poster sharing partial truths with opinion and no sources.

    Edit: I read some of the comments. Poor jorgesumle4, yeesh!

    Edit2: and won’t be going anywhere near raddle, either. Oof! “My echo chamber isn’t echoing right! I must now yell and spew some ad hominem hate! Ahh, much better.”

    Edit3: To, I would say your OP question, “is there truth to this?” is being asked about an opinion. Can opinion be true or false? I don’t really understand the premise. If you’re posting on the public internet, that’s not private. Full stop. Any platform on the public internet, no matter how you can or cannot delete your contributions, is not private.