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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • Anecdotal, but I’ve never once had a problem with any function of Firefox in the decade I’ve been using it. On the contrary it’s been the most stable browser I’ve had the pleasure of using, orders of magnitude more reliable in all situations than Chrome or Opera ever was.

    This post smells of astroturfing. There’s been an awful lot of “why is Firefox so shit?” posts recently, now that Google is proving itself untrustable.

  • How could I forget about Dolly Parton! I should be ashamed. The world could use a few more of her.

    I did appreciate the story, thanks. And that’s about exactly how I expected it happened, lol. Minus the hikers, I wouldn’t have guessed that, but I can imagine exactly how it sounded when they told you to watch out for them bars!

  • skulblaka@startrek.websitetoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkLoser
    4 months ago

    With proper use of metamagic, every spell is potentially like five different spells. Poindexter over here might have two dozen different named spells written down in his diary, but I know two fire based spells and I can make each of them do about eight different things, half of which aren’t even fire damage.

    It’s the difference between writing down a recipe, and knowing how to cook.

  • Don’t let my people monopolize that accent! It’s a beautiful accent, in my opinion. Shame about most of the folks it’s attached to. Most people hear a southern drawl and their mind goes right to white supremacy rednecks, which is unfortunately not incorrect of them to think. I wish we had some popular well educated folks to bring that sound to the larger populace so that it isn’t such a red flag.

  • Hell yeah I would.

    If you enjoy roguelikes, I got you in spades.

    • Slay the Spire is currently $8 USD on sale and is one of my most played games of all time. Deck building roguelike.
    • Caves of Qud is the single greatest modern classic roguelike that I’ve ever played and is also in my top 5 of most played games of all time. $20 USD. If you understand what the string of words “modern classic roguelike” means and that intrigues you then you’re in for a treat and a half.
    • Dead Cells speaks for itself on its store page and is technically out of price range for this at $25 when not on sale, but it’s worth the extra five bucks. It’s also worth the additional $25 for all the DLCs, after you’ve sunk 200 hours into the base game already.
    • Cult of the Lamb - ditto above about the price tag, you actually largely can’t go wrong with most things published by Devolver Digital. I own a significant percentage of their lineup and haven’t been disappointed. Devolver isn’t the dev company, but they take a lot of indie teams for publishing and I like them a lot. They’re good folks that sell good games.
    • Risk of Rain 2 - is also $25 but worth the squeeze. I’ll try to keep everything else in the price range.
    • Rift Wizard - $14.99, and the very similar but slightly superior Rift Wizard 2 at $17.99 are fun little strategy-heavy games about playing what amounts to wizard chess. The store page videos will describe this game better than I’m able to. It’s actually quite a good little game for people that enjoy games that require you to become ludicrously overpowered to survive.
    • Balatro - $14.99, the significant buzz around this game is entirely warranted, cursed poker will consume the next four months of your life. You have been warned.
    • Path of Achra - $9.99 A self described “broken build sandbox” that is, and very much looks like, a game made by one dude in his spare time. Don’t let the art fool you, I love it to pieces. Another game for people that enjoy games that require you to get super overpowered to survive.
    • Tiny Rogues - $9.99 I only recently got into this one. Great game, great replay value, check out videos to see if it’s for you.

    Outside of the roguelike genre there are also a couple good ones that I’ll name, though I do admit this list will probably be shorter:

    • Siralim Ultimate - $19.99 is one of the grindiest monster collector games I’ve ever played but if you enjoy grinding that sort of game, you can build teams that would dunk your competitive Uber Pokémon team into the shadow realm. It has a ridiculous number of creatures with a ridiculous number of absurd abilities and you’ll find yourself farming this game on and off for like six years. Or I did anyway, I’ve been following the evolution of the game since Siralim 2 in 2016. You can also play any of them on your phone, which I actually find to be the superior experience for the most part because it’s a good game to play in 10-minute bursts over long periods of time. If you’re going to get any of them go straight to Ultimate, don’t bother with the others, it’s the same game significantly evolved over time.
    • Exanima - $14.99 Top down physics based melee combat RPG. Check the store page videos and youtube to figure out if this interests you. It very much did interest me, and after several years of dev silence the game is now being actively updated again, which is very exciting.
    • Ultrakill - $25 currently (I know, I know, I said I wouldn’t do this anymore…) Buy it on sale if you’re a fan of fast paced FPS games, say new Doom for example. Don’t read, just buy. Trust me on this one. I wouldn’t steer you wrong, I promise.
    • Hollow Knight - $14.99 The greatest metroidvania of our age and spawned more knockoffs than the genre namesakes did. Pls give silksong.
    • Sunless Sea - $18.99 This is a very slow and very story driven game about being a sailor in hell. Familiarity with the general setting of Fallen London is very beneficial but is not required. This game is slow. But if you can vibe with it, it will deliver one of the most deeply touching RPG stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. This game is truly a treasure that won’t be appreciated by most people. But even so I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least mention it for you to look at.

    I have to stop myself here because I could go on about this all night and still not be done. Gaming is my main hobby and indie games are the main games I play. Name me a genre you enjoy and I’ll scroll around for recommendations if none of the above catch your eye.

  • Alright, fine, I concede my point. Movies do shit differently. I still think it’s fucking stupid, and someone did literally die from it as evidenced by the very post we are arguing in the comments of. But I’m not an actor having dipshits point loaded guns at me so why do I care I guess. You win I’m stupid, because respecting the laws of firearm safety apparently makes me the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, and there is no point in time ever that someone hands me a supposedly safe gun and I’m not going to immediately double check it myself.

    I am very salty about this still but I’ve made both of us angry enough over some stupid bullshit tonight. Sorry for wasting your time. This was not productive for either of us.

  • To expect every handler of a firearm to be knowledgeable enough about guns to safely unload, confirm what ammunition is in use, and then proceed accordingly when they also have to act and deal with what comes with that is insane.

    Fuck that, absolutely not, every single handler of any firearm is required to know how to safely unload and confirm that it is unloaded. Period. End of story. If you don’t know how to drop the mag and rack the slide then don’t fucking touch that thing. Guns aren’t toys, and they aren’t props. The armorer is there for guidance and for double checking but there should never, ever, for any reason other than a survival emergency, be a gun in the hand of someone who does not know how it functions. Not for actors, not for cops, not for civilians. It takes less than a minute to confirm an unloading and it takes 15 minutes to teach someone how who has never seen a firearm before. There is no excuse whatsoever (BIG EDIT: assuming a competent armorer, that can actually teach this) for an actor not knowing how to confirm their own gun is ready for scene, and the armorer should check it themselves immediately before or after, before the scene starts.

  • Some of those I understand complaining about but honestly Sets & Logic is a great class for a programmer. I wish that was in the standard math path so that everyone got a little of it in high school, the closest I got was doing proofs in geometry which while that is a sort of logic training it doesn’t really teach you how to make use of anything.

    Also, depending what you’re building exactly, advanced Calc and Numerical Analysis may be very useful and/or required to perform. Especially if you’re trying to accurately model something that happens in meatspace.