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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The norm is to download several 30, 60 or even 120GB updates afterwards. You then end up with an inconvenient DRM disc that has to be inserted for your game to run. When instead you could buy it online, download it just like you would’ve ended up doing and then never have to worry about damaging a Blu-ray disc.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love physical copies of games… But in the era of never ending updates, live service games, indie games, and games broken at launch, I definitely understand why most of us don’t prefer them anymore.

  • I’d have gone with a Kbin server. Lemmy just happened to fit more what I like in Reddit and its interface. The servers I mainly interact with seem calm and healthy enough and I get to see fun posts, shared articles and handfuls of discussions here and there. If there was no alternative? I’d just have moved on. Either federated social networks (Or something similar, one day) thrive, or social networks are all bound to gradually become pits of hostility no one wants to or can moderate. Just takes a single rich idiot looking to capitalize on his “product” to tip the scale in the wrong direction. I like connecting with people, having calm conversations about low-stake stuff with strangers. Keeping the heavier stuff for those I know and understand. Hasn’t been possible in places like Twitter for ages and if the smaller, chill subreddits I like are all bound to see more spam and negativity? Pass. I’d just get back to reading novels regularly. Which I still should, honestly.

  • Hmm~ I guess I feel sad a little, yeah. Reddit was a pretty cool place. Still is if you hang in the right communities. But I do most of my browsing using a mobile app as of late and if they’re killing off RIF and Apollo, I might as well look elsewhere. I also feel a little optimistic about this “migration” slowly taking place, since this time it’s not out of some knee-jerk reaction to admins banning some problematic subreddits, spawning places like Voat.

    And the federated, open-source nature of Lemmy/Kbin/Mastodon reminds me of how a group of friends can create their own Discord server.

  • At least in the “fediverse” it’s possible to maintain a much cleaner separation between those communities. Like, the server I’m on has this very explicit programming focus (Can’t believe this domain name is a thing 😂) and I’m sure there’s a server out there for horny peeps who just want to look at porn. Both can have drastically different rules in regards to posting, commenting and such and if a server’s admin pulls the plug for one reason or another, the rest of the “network” stays up. 🤷‍♀️

    Would just be nice if there was a way to backup, sync or migrate accounts between federated servers. I expect things will fluctuate quite a bit as many of us take refuge in various servers. Especially if reddit moderation bots get crippled, third party apps die and old.reddit gets the boot, flooding lemmy/kbin servers with more users than some can handle, financially-speaking.