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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ok. So a device didn’t get a dhcp address? No problem… It creates it’s open IP address and starts talking and try to get out on internet on its own…

    Its not that different from a conceptual point of view. Your router is still the gate keeper.

    Home router to ISP will usually use DHCPv6 to get a prefix. Sizes vary by ISP but its usually like a /64. This is done with Prefix Delegation.

    Client to Home Router will use either SLACC, DHCPv6, or both.

    SLACC uses ICMPv6 where the client asks for the prefix (Router Solicitation) and the router advertises the prefix (Router Advertisement) and the client picks an address in it. There is some duplication protection for clients picking the same IP, but its nothing you have to configure. Conceptually its not that different from DHCP Request/Offer. The clients cannot just get to the internet on their own.

    SLACC doesn’t support sending stuff like DNS servers. So DHCPv6 may still be used to get that information, but not an assigned IP.

    Just DHCPv6 can also be used, but SLACC has the feature of being stateless. No leases or anything.

    The only other nuance worth calling out is interfaces will pick a link local address so it can talk to the devices its directly connected to over layer 3 instead of just layer 2. This is no different than configuring on one side and on the other. These are not routed, its just for two connected devices to send packets to each other. This with Neighbor Discovery fills the role of ARP.

    There is a whole bunch more to IPv6, but for a typical home network these analogies pretty much cover what you’d use.

  • I can kind of make out “Not Found” as the last words on every line with efi on the first line.

    I don’t have a framework so don’t know the ins and out but my guess here is you need to hit whatever key is needed to bring up the boot drive selection menu to pick the installer USB.

    You could also check that USB is towards the top in the BIOS settings if you want to change the default boot priority.

    I don’t know if CMOS battery resetting is still a thing; I haven’t done it in a decade. That is another thought if some bad state (e.g., secure boot) is still getting held by the mobo chipset. I’d confirm with some documentation or Framework support first though. I’ve never done it on a secure boot system.

  • I’m often seen as calm even though I have my frustrated outbursts. The one thing I make sure to do is not direct that frustration towards other living things.

    As you mentioned in the dog analogy, I’ll outwardly vocalize what I could have done to avoid the situation and own the blame. I have a couple dogs as well. If I’m upset enough that I notice a change in their behavior I’ll play with them to show its okay. Now that I think about it, they started bringing me toys when I’m upset which has a calming effect on its own.

    I want other people witnessing my tantrum to understand I’m frustrated with myself. There is always something I could have done to improve/avoid the situation. On the rare occasion I’m unable to self regulate I’ll remove myself and take time to reflect. Sometimes it takes a night of sleep.

    I’ve lived with a number of narcissistic and borderline personality types throughout my life. Seeing and experiencing the damage one can do with anger, I’ve made it a core principal to never project my own shortcomings onto another living thing.

    For situations where one could not have done anything, I’ll resort to assertiveness principals if I’m not okay with another’s behavior or accept the the situation and go into “fix it” mode to mitigate what’s in my control.

    Key point I suppose is to remove anger, shaming, eluded ignorance, and other forms of manipulative behaviors as a means to control others and to see every frustration as a test of my principals.

  • I use LazyGit on the CLI for a “GUI-like” experience. I find it helps me make smaller more meaningful commits. If I’m working on a feature that enhances or fixes other modules in my repo to support, its trivial when done to make multiple clean commits out of the one feature that isolates the changes in functionality to individual commits instead of one medium commit.

    On a large enough repo (e.g., monorepo), its a pain to do using git commands.