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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • smb@lemmy.mltoich_iel@feddit.orgich📦👀iel
    17 hours ago

    bei mir funktioniert dhl tracking regelmäßig nicht, gebe ich die tracking id ein, klicke den button oder klicke ich den Link aus der email vom versender, dann läd es oft nur ein wenig, aber ein Ergebnis kommt nicht, wo die Daten sein sollten bleibt die Seite weiss. auch nicht beim nochmal versuchen, am Netzwerk oder Endgerat liegt es auch nicht, wann das passiert scheint eher random zu sein. etwas später geht es dann oft plötzlich wieder, aber die Gesamtverfügbarkeit vom dhl tracking service liegt gefühlt bei weniger als 50%, die Konkurrenz (eigentlich alle anderen weltweit die ich erlebt habe, usa, china) ist da meiner Erfahrung nach VIEL besser, da ist die uptime eher bei 99,…% statt unter 50%

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's your favourite country and why?
    2 months ago


    • no bad politics
    • no wars so far
    • people there are mainly interested in science
    • no economic abuse or exploitation
    • pinguins!
    • no air conditioning needed to survive the summer.
    • winter is offline time, visitors won’t arrive or leave then.
    • last place to stay cool during boomers heritage “heat death of our planet”

    well sure, it has downsides too. Next Rollercoaster park is -tbh- unreachable, internet connection is sloo.oo…oow (or did they already finish the submarine fibre cable?) and sunbathing basically only brings you frost bites (if you’re lucky).

    However i am not planning to migrate there.

  • there is in fact only regulation as long as it is legal. how do you regulate if it is illegal? it only gets hidden then. and literally everywhere it went bad when it became illegal. everything you claim to want to achieve (regulation and workplace security) is completely lost and things get worse, more victims, less control, violence cannot be prosecuted cause none would go to police when anything happens, etc etc. , that is until it becomes legal again, but until then making it illegal even short time would cause way more damage than is possible to “fix” in a decade or two. just read about what happened where govs already took that path. if you want it to get out of control and destroy health and lifes, and create ground for forced prostitution (aka slavery), then yes, making it illegal is the way you get exactly that result.

    and for the relationship thing… as far as i know (which is not much) the mayority of such customers already are in a relationship (mostly the one called marriage) while singles way less do such.

  • until planes have some magic build-in that turns cleptomans into normal people and hinders underpayd in-flight staff from ensuring their already due income upgrade by other means, i’ld say every unobserved bag is prone to theft, everywhere.

    if you know such a theft-preventing magic, pls tell, so we can also build it into regular streets in big touristic cities and into all buildings in the wallstreet, that would help the world a lot.

  • i did say that health care professionals follow suggestions which is 100% true for the suggestions they get from (known health damaging) pharma corporations. and these suggestions are mainly for profit. maybe let me note the opioid crisis here, that did not even touch my country directly (that is until this becomes officially maybe), but assumingly yours. if you don’t know what happened there and who followed who’s suggestions, maybe start reading. same happens in other countries too and for the same purposes.

    a fact that is official here (as in there was a need for a law that currently helps) is that you get different diagnoses from different doctors and NEED to go to at least two different ones to have a chance for a correct diagnose. it took me >30 years to find a doctor that also tells me what is maybe less probable but also maybe a correct diagnose. the others just ignored all facts that were noncomplient to their diagnose and either were silent about it or incapable of also assuming other things with slightly similar symptomes.

    the system is that prone to do wrong diagnoses while not paying for real treatment that some patients and doctors silently agree to do some extra things that are paid better to finance the things that are not paid in one go as a compromise to circumvent the harmful system. this is not public as in news, but when you go to a doctor that you know and need something that is not paid and offer something else at the same time that actually gets paid like a scan for something that could be important for symptoms you might have, chances are very good to get better real help than when strictly following the laws without such offers. i’ve talked about this with a doctor where i was not patient and i observed this once from little distanze.

    i did not say that healthcare professionals intentionally harm for profit but follow guidelines made for profit-only that cause harm.

    also maybe ‘interesting’ to read: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/07/05/time-to-assume-that-health-research-is-fraudulent-until-proved-otherwise/

    i tend to say that some shamans with true intention to help might often be better than a socalled healthcare system that truely is based on profit-only directors. while healthcare professionals depend on intentionally wrong informations (see opioid crisis) from profit-only corporations, their actions effects can highy contradict what their true intentions are. but for patiens really the outcome is what counts.

    so even if someone says that treatment from healthcare professionals harms the patient this does not at all include evil intent from that professional.

  • i once had to look at a firefall appliance cluster, (discovered, it could not do any failover in its current state but somehow the decider was ok with that) but when looking at its logs, i discovered an rsh and rcp access from an ip address that belonged to a military organisation from a different continent. i had to make it a security incident. later the vendor said that this was only the cluster internal routing (over the dedicated crosslink), used for synchronisation (the thing that did not work) and was only used by a separate routing table only for clustersync and that could never be used for real traffic. but why not simply use an ip that you “own” by yourself and PTR it with a hint about what this ip is used for? instead of customers scratching their head why military still uses rcp and rsh. i guess because no company reads firewall logs anyway XD

    someone elses ip? yes! becuase they’ll never find out !!1!

    i really appreciate that ipv6 has things like a dedicated documentation address range and that fc00:/7 is nicely short.

  • ipv6 in companies… ipv6 is not hard, but for internal networking no company (really) “needs” more than rfc1918 address space. thus any decision in that direction is always “less” needed than any bonus for (da)magement personnel is crucial for the whole companies survival…

    for companies services to be reachable from outside/ipv6 mostly “only” the loadbalancers/revproxies etc need to be ipv6 ready but … this i.e. also produces logs that possibly break decades old regexes that no one understands any more (as the good engineers left due to too many boni payed to damagement personnel) while other access/deny rules that could break or worse let through where they should block (remember that 192.168. could the local part of ipv6 IF sone genious used a matching mech that treats the dot “.” as a wildcard as overpayed damagement personnel made them rush too fast), could be hidden “somewhere”. altogether technical debt is a huge blocker for everything, especially company growth, and if no customer “demands” ipv6, then it stays on the damagement personnels list as “fulfilling the whishes of engineers to keep them happy” instead of on the always deleted “cleaning up technical debt caused by damagement personnel” list.

    setting up firewalls for ipv6 is quite easy and if you go the finegrained “whitelisted or drop/block” approach from the beginning it might take a bit for ipv6 specials to be known to you, but the much bigger thing is IMHO the then current state of firewall rules. and who knows every existing rule? what rules should be removed already and must not be ported to ipv6? usually firewalls and their rules are a big mess due to … again too many boni payed to damagement personnel, hindering the company from the needed steps forward…

    ipv6 adoption is slow for reasons that are driving huge cars that in turn speed up other problems ;-|

  • maybe start with an adjustable setup:

    • rent a cheap vm, i got one for 1€/month (for the first year,cancel monthly) from ovh currently
    • setup 3 openvpn instances to redirect all routes through the tunnel, one with ipv4 only, one with ipv6 only and one with both
    • setup the client on your mobile phone and your laptop both with all three vpns to choose from
    • have the option to choose now and try out ipv6, standalone or dualstack depending on what vpn you switch on
    • use this setup to blame services that don’t support ipv6 yet or maybe are broken with dualstack 🤣
    • rise from under-the-stone (disabling ipv6 only) to in-sunlight (to a well-above-industry-standart-level !!! “quick” new network technologies adopting “genious”) 🤣
    • improve your openvpn setup from above to be reachable “by” ipv6 too if you haven’t done it from the beginning, done: reach the pro-level of the-late-adopter-noob-group

    (if you want, ask for config snippets)

    btw i prefer to wait for ipv8😁 before “demanding” ipv6 from services i use 🤣

  • the “news” i “know” about india is little, some historical “facts” written mostly by uncivilized brutish invaders compacted to youtube videos by part or fulltime streamers. Some other “facts” which sound often bad i sometims mostly have from official media known to promote any “nice” propaganda - that is, depicting other countries worse than the own one so that people do not hunt their own gov with garden forks just to stop the crimes. Well i really “know” nothing about India.

    But beeing proud of culture usually is a good thing, but that is only if it is culture and as such does not(!) base on abuse or similar.

    Maybe what you experience could be a crowd effect that protects the people from seeing what they (group, society) do wrong while at the same time it protects the worst wrongdoers from punishment or at least from getting stopped. Such as it could be a self-sustaining downwards spiral taking more and more and everything down with it slowly increaaing pace. At least what you wrote sounded a slight bit chilling like that.

    It could be hormones and how culture tells you to act or not act on them, or a lack of culture about such, maybe a combination of culture to “support your group” while that support does not always protect integrity of the overall concept of what that culture was meant for. A group of people cheering to each other how good they are might not want to stop cheering for “minor reasons” because it just feels good. While doing wrong things they could “help” each other (which is supposedly a good thing but can do lot of harm too) with arguments that this wrongdoing would be ok or even "good’ in this specific moment because of <insert_bullshit_here>. alltogether spiralling downwards doing so more often every day. So all of them can go on wrongdoing while feeling well supported or even falsely feel superior in general.

    however a figure (real/not real?) well known in india once said something like “it is better to calm down and just do your thing than to overreact”. (this is the shortes version i’ve ever tried to compact it to but maybe you get the idea anyway).

    I know for a fact that this is not true,

    i don’t know the underlying things that make it a fact, plz share.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@programming.dev"prompt engineering"
    6 months ago

    that a moderately clever human can talk them into doing pretty much anything.

    besides that LLMs are good enough to let moderately clever humans believe that they actually got an answer that was more than guessing and probabilities based on millions of trolls messages, advertising lies, fantasy books, scammer webpages, fake news, astroturfing, propaganda of the past centuries including the current made up narratives and a quite long prompt invisible to that human.


    1. i am sure you won’t pay for it if my laptop disappears this way (if yes, lets make a contract with a lifetime “fee” of 0$ i pay you whilst you pay for everything that got stolen from me in a plane)
    2. ppl with kleptomania do travel too
    3. how could you know? you are not talking about you and your colleagues or such?
    4. such statistics were made by those who benefit from planes looking more safe.
    5. “work and travel” vs “steal and travel”, which is more likely be done by a thiev?
    6. not all theives “need” to steal, some just do so because they can, others maybe because its family tradition.
    7. sometimes it could be more important that nobody could possibly put something into(!) your bag (and remove it later) to let you get it through customs for them, those arguably “would” buy such tickets to do so, as it’s probably part of their income, but i guess thats only a problem when flying in or out of countries with big illegal drug imports.
    8. <something i forgot>