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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I saw mark Hamill perform in a play once called Six dance lessons in six weeks. Rue Mclanahan from the Golden Girls played the female lead.

    It was actually a really good play and I got to meet him during the opening night party afterwards. I was an idiot kid and asked him to sign the playbill with a MTFBWY or something dumb like that. He was visibly miffed, understandably, but still politely signed it “forcefully yours.”

    It wasn’t until years later that I realized it was kind of rude of me to ask for that at the opening night party of a play he just worked really hard on. Must be real annoying having fanboys pestering you about a shitty movie you did decades ago. Anyway he seemed nice enough and it was a really good play. I got a pic with him around here somewhere, maybe I’ll post if there’s any interest.

  • Imagine you own a goose that lays golden eggs. It lays one golden egg per year. How much would you sell it for? Probably not one golden egg, but definitely you’d sell if for a million gold eggs. You’d probably settle for maybe 5? 10? 15? Something like that.

    Suppose the goose only lays one egg per year now (or none at all!) but it’s still young and most people expect it to start laying four or five or even ten or twenty eggs per year in a few years from now. It’s impossible to tell for sure how many it’ll lay over its life, or when that will happen, or if it will happen at all. NOW how much do you sell it for?

    That’s the stock market.

    A bunch of investors think a bunch of gooses will start laying a ton more golden eggs soon, and they’re willing to pay big bucks now in exchange for the possibility of that in the future. This isn’t a pyramid scheme or a zero sum game or anything like that. It’s just a prediction of the future which may or may not be correct, and only time will tell.

  • I find gyms insufferably boring.

    I play an intense competitive sport which burns easily 5000 calories a week, keep a reasonable diet, and do stretches/cooldowns according to my Dr and physio. Then at home I do a pretty basic routine of squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and stretch band exercises. I don’t smoke and barely drink anymore either.

    I’m 38 and that keeps me in great physical condition, healthy weight, nice muscle tone; plus I’m energetic, and mostly injury free. I’ve also noticed I’m aging significantly better than my stagnant friends and colleagues.

    Find a sport you enjoy and go all in on that.

  • I already replied but I just wanted a top level comment regarding:

    that extra expense in a country where everything is already so expensive really makes a difference

    That tip expense would be paid either way. There’s no difference between charging $9 for a sandwich and tipping $1 vs being charged $10 for the sandwich and no tip. All costs always get passed down to the consumer no matter what, that’s just how it works. So it isn’t an “extra” expense. It is, was, and always will be in there, one way or another. I agree tipping is weird, inefficient, and difficult to understand, but you’re gonna pay no matter what.

  • Yeah like the other guy said, I only tip if it’s a sit down restaurant with an actual server who attended to you. If you are checking out somewhere and the kiosk thing prompts for a tip, I almost never do.

    Always tip the cab driver a few bucks.

    If you are at a hotel you should tip the valet for parking. Honestly though at hotels, tipping pays for itself. Hotel staff are demigods that can bestow good fortune if they smile upon you, so you definitely want to appease them. It’s amazing what slipping a $20 to the person checking you in can do for you.

    When in doubt, you can just ask candidly what the etiquette is. Everyone knows its weird and different everywhere.