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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • I’d say in about 2 years, the entire place is going to be bots with AI generated content that try to mimic “real users” using their new Dynamic Product Ads tool

    Yeah, it’s just partially like that now lol. A few weeks ago there was a side-by-side reddit screenshot post on Lemmy. It showed the exact same reddit post, with the exact same tens of comments (all word for word, some in response to each other iirc), from different accounts less than a year apart. 100% fabrication. I’d never seen such extensive bot-masquerading as people behaviour; it was a realization moment for me

  • We do live in plutocracies - I agree with you there.

    I don’t think the problem with the average person is gullibility per se, I think it’s 1) how much strain/overhwhelm they face make a nice life for themselves (with the accelerated cost of living, lack of safety nets, impending climate change) and how marginalized rational concern about the climate change and growing wealth inequality is compared to how loudly trumpeted the lies used to maintain the status quo are that serve the billionaires.

    For many, (and this example is a big issue in my country of Canada at the moment) it’s easier to direct anger towards a tax meant to curb climate change than it is to face reality and anger at larger and more influential factors like neoliberalism.

    Anger lends itself to simplified reasoning. Billionaires and conservatives know this very well. If we want to open the average person’s eyes we need to be very strategic in our messaging, otherwise it won’t stick as well as the earworm crap the right uses.

    As soon as wildfires start up in Canada again this season, the rise of ‘clean fossil fuel’ ads (i.e, propaganda saying “nothing to be concerned about, keep consuming”) will happen again. It is still possible to hear about Greta Thurnberg on the news or online - to use an example. That type of content might only be available on the dark web in a couple decades

  • The greatest barrier to reducing climate change is the ultra wealth financing denialism of climate change and the tight grip they have on what the average person thinks is real through immense lobbying, owning media outlets and controlling what they publish, and unlimited disinformation campaigns. Maybe it’s frowned upon to talk about those things at such a rich university, but if you’re not talking about those things are you really helping the situation or are you maintaining the delusional status quo of “we can get to it when we get to it”

  • If you’re actually looking for feedback: I admire your intent behind this community, but I think your approach could be improved which would lead to more participation in this community.

    To facilitate discussion, more succinct and organized posts would greatly help. And remove that patronizing statement that you begin each of your posts with:

    Remember: Up / Downvoting in this community is not an agree / disagree button. We upvote good or constructive conversation and downvote off-topic posts or badly-voiced opinions. If you disagree, you respond like a human in good faith and prove out your position.

  • It sounds like we partially overlap in opinion. I think it’s worth noting a bias of mine, that for me Lemmy is an opportunity to make the Web a more person-friendly place again. I don’t think the responsibility should fall to readers to figure things out that aren’t obvious. I think posters should provide useful (non click-baity) titles and outside of just for fun and circlejerk type communities, I think they should flag when they’re being un-serious. AMA is a serious community (as far as I’m aware). The post’s title is a complete falsehood.

    I don’t mean to come across as a buzzkill, and I’m sorry if I killed anyone’s buzz.

  • Since you asked so nicely, I’ll offer a definition by modifying the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of pornography. (Square brackets and strikeout are my own)

    [Disaster] por·nog·ra·phy | pôrˈnäɡrəfē | noun printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of [human suffering] sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate [entertainment] erotic rather than [concern, compassion, or humanitarian assistance] aesthetic or emotional feelings.

  • streetfestival@lemmy.catoAsk Me Anything@lemmy.cai am in middle of ocean AMA
    8 months ago

    You’re the post MVP, imo. I don’t get why this post is upvoted so much. It isn’t a real AMA, and it feels like disaster porn or something

    [Edit: I also feel like there’s enough misinformation on the internet already. Those who want to have fun/pretend with something like this, please put a ‘not serious’, ‘made up’ ‘fictional’ or ‘pretend’ flag on it]

  • I think a grand being would definitely possess things like emotions or morality - some mechanisms of wisdom and good judgement. What I’ve always balked at is the idea that a grand being would have more ego-driven and self-serving human behaviours like jealousy, intolerance of people who are different, revenge, hatred, predudice, etc. Any idea of “God hates [fill in the blank]” has always been laughable to me. I think a grand being would definitely be morally superior to most humans

  • To add to this, I think it’s really helpful to have a monthly (or whatever works best for you) budget, and to compare your predicted versus actual balance at the end of the month. It may: give you feedback and increase your awareness (and decision-making) of your spending and budget, increase your confidence in your ability to manage your finances, help you manage them more rationally (versus emotionally at the time of “where’d all the money go?”), and truly help you reduce debt/ save money. I use a spreadsheet that I update with each paycheck. My parents are very financially literate, but I had to learn this stuff for myself. I reckon it might be a bit of a lost (and sorely missed) art in the age of credit cards, in-app purchases, online gambling, and an over-reliance on subscription services. It’s not a panacea but it really helped me get out of the debt I had