Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Missionaries are all 18-21-ish, and they get trained for like a month. There’s no way that’s an official answer in any way, they’re just repeating whatever some other missionary told them. I guess it kinda makes sense with the “multiply and replenish the earth” line from Genesis 1:28, but that’s probably as far as the thought process goes.

    And yeah, the actual origins are probably somewhere between the more official “take care of women” line and “wanted to bang women” line. But the fact remains that many men didn’t bang all of their wives (or so they claim), so it’s probably a mix of both.

  • Yup, I think we should change the whole notion of marriage. Basically, the government would provide sets of contracts that grant certain privileges for certain responsibilities, like tax benefits for sharing financial responsibility. People can pick and choose among the various contracts, and there could be a “marriage” bundle that roughly corresponds to today’s notion of marriage. Marriage than becomes a religious ceremony that people are free to define themselves, separately from any legal commitments.

    This way you don’t need prenups or whatever, you only sign the documents each party is comfortable with. If you’re in a polyamorous relationship, you might combine finances with half of your partners, share hospital visitation rights with a separate half, etc, and you could marry all or some of them. Custody of children would be between biological parents or, if waived, assigned legal parents/guardians based on the contracts signed.

    That’s a bit complicated, but it would make things a lot more flexible. Individual contracts could be limited in number of people involved, but you could choose to sign different contracts with different people.

  • Khai Jiao

    It sounds super fancy and foreign, but it’s really just a simple omelette with some fish sauce thrown in. You can get fancy with cornstarch to make it a little crispy, but I ain’t got time for that.


    1. Beat some eggs with some fish sauce (not a lot, just a splash or a spoonful)
    2. Fry eggs in oil, pulling from the side so the liquid on top cooks

    It’s done when there’s no more liquid on top. Eat with rice (can microwave some precooked rice).

    Total time: 5-10 min. Try it even if you don’t like fish sauce.

  • I’m a backend developer and have to deal with this nonsense at my job. There are lots of options, each with tradeoffs, such as:

    • rely on checking at the subreddit level - this means that every time you access a page, you need to check whether the subreddit is private, which means slower page loads
    • include the flag on every post - flipping between private and public can be very expensive on the server
    • embed some info in the URL - breaks links when switching back and forth and is also expensive, but you can cut down on some checks (e.g. no database hit for most checks; i.e. if it’s private and you aren’t logged in, you cannot access it)

    And if you go for one of the two last options, you can reduce the hit when switching by being eventually consistent, meaning you don’t change everything all at once but instead set the flag or change the URL in batches over a period of time. That takes effort to get right, and there’s going to be inconsistency until everything is done.

    So there are multiple ways to do it, and each way has a big chance at devs messing something up when they don’t consider something like a bunch of subreddits going private all at once.

    Or it could just be a run of the mill DDOS because some redditors wanted to troll Reddit.

  • IDK, it seems that once a community gets big enough, it devolves into an echo chamber so the unique perspectives get drowned out. Sometimes the unique perspectives wins and slowly propagates through the community, and sometimes the unique perspective gets buried, but uniqueness is rarely highlighted.

    For example, I used to be active in /r/personalfinance (kind of a cesspool imo), and there have been times when my perspective won out and I saw it get parroted (often incorrectly), and I was later corrected by yet another perspective and that one got buried and to this day people are parotting my incomplete perspective instead of the more correct perspective. I tried correcting it, but ended up giving up.

    So a community needs to be big enough to have diversity, but not so big that the hive mind takes over. I think that magic number is somewhere around 10-100k people.

  • I think more content is a double edged sword though. I find I used Reddit to second guess myself a ton, like which thing to buy, whether I should like something, etc.

    In a smaller community, I’m left to think more for myself since I can’t just offload that to the group.

    Sometimes that data is really useful, but I think I’ve gotten too dependent. So a SM diet was absolutely in order. And as you said, I’m very much enjoying it. We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks as the Reddit situation resolves one way or another.