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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • There are pretty much inert because they’re ignored by most proteins and are largely stable enought to resist chemical damage (oxydation is the big one). This is the reason we make so much of them, they’re useful as containers and it’s cheaper to make new containers rather than reuse the old ones.

    That being said, it could happen that some biological processes start using plastic as an energy source and/or process it for parts. This is already done in labs with plastic eating bacteria today, where the bacteria produces enzymes capable of breaking the molecular bonds in some plastics.

    The main factor is that there is considerably less plastic readily available than there is carbon dioxide, because the carbon dioxide is just there, but in a hypothetical future where the earth is covered in several inches of plastic, chances are that single cell organisms that thrive off of plastic could realistically evolve.

  • I was there too. Do try the freebies and see how you like it, there’s nothing to lose. Personally, that convinced me and I switched to 300 searches, then I got a new job for which I was making lots of searches and outgrew it so now I’m on the unlimited. IMO ultimate is useless unless you really like the vision or something, I just pay for a working product.

  • I’m regularly your friend that plays long as fuck games, but I always make sure that anyone I invite for these long games is acutely aware that they’re in this for 4 hours and if that’s not ok with them to tell me and we’ll play something else. I kind of get the annoyance you host had when you abandoned the game midway, but it’s really on them to manage expectations, especially when playing with adults with obligations. It is also up to them to figure out that when you explain a new game, it’s going to take longer to play.

    So really no fault of your own, and definitely don’t apologize for having work in the morning, but it seems your friend is not that good at managing expectations and that means you’ll have to do it yourself. Ask ik advance what game you’ll be playing and watch a review or video of it (you can also watch a live game on Board Game Arena), and yeah you’ll probably miss out on some great games that look bad from the outside but if not spending 4 hours playing a game you don’t enjoy is more desirable to you then that’s it.

    You could also, of course, try communicating with your friend about your grievances. I don’t know what good will come out of that discussion but I don’t think it can be that bad.

  • My mom kicked me out when I was 18 and I was homeless for 2 weeks. She took me back in when uni started.

    This is one of the reasons I don’t speak to hear anymore. At all.

    This year, she sent me texts demanding to see me on my birthday. I did not speak to her. At all.

    I am now waiting for her to die and for one of my siblings to inform me. Apparently, my sister (who lives in another country, we don’t talk much) is also done with her and doesn’t talk to her at all. I guess our brother will let us know.

    What I’m getting at is that you are under no obligation to cater to people who don’t want to tolerate you in the first place. If a guy you lived with for a while was an asshat and demanded to see your children, you’d think he was demented. But suddenly he nutted in your mother once and now it’s fine? Family means nothing on its own. Family means you have a default group of people you interact with, but it’s up to each individual to actually be friends and allies with their family members, and if someone isn’t being a good friend or a good ally, and even is actively antagonizing you, then why do you still feel like you owe them anything? What do you mean “finally getting to the point you should accept it”? Accept him into your life? Why?! What good will that ever do to you? Oh sure maybe you’ll get to think “well I made amends before he died” once he’s dead. Guess what, if you’ve never held a grudge against him like you seem to imply, then it’s actually not up to you to make amends. Don’t tolerate bullshit from people just because they happen to be related to you.