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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I still had this on my clip board from earlier, when I mentioned it in another thread. One of my favorite parts of one of my favorite songs. The Dead Kennedy’s Stars and Stripes of Corruption. If you have never heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=983DwAOCXRI

    But what can just one of us do
    Against all that money and power trying to crush us into roaches?
    We won’t destroy society in a day
    Until we change ourselves first from the inside out

    We can start by not lying so much and treating other people like dirt
    It’s so easy not to base our lives on how much we can scam
    And you know it feels good to lift that monkey off our back

    If you don’t know the song, its chalk full of cynicism and angst. But it ends with a good message. The fast beat and quick rythmic delivery of the lyrics with the beautiful surf guitar…

    If we don’t try
    If we just lie
    If we can’t find a way
    To do better than this
    Who will?

  • In the book series Red Rising, there’s a part where one army terrorizes a city by flying over it and dropping all the POWs it captured. Lots of them dropped from low orbit but high enough to take a bit to hit. All nude and alive, hundreds of thousands of soldiers.The character that describes it suggests that the city looks like the windshield of a transport after driving through a bug swarm. It’s such a brutal and horrific description of the violence. In a book series that really does a good job at describing violent uprising, that part really painted a vivid scene in my head.

  • I waited until it dipped below $50 recently to pick it up. I knew it was not being reviewed well and a couple of my friends were happy with it.

    It is a pretty game, but it is not a good game by any reasonable measurement. The story does not pull you in. The main characters are not engaging. The big city you visit feels like its full of paper dolls wearing one of 5 sets of clothing moving around in ways that makes zero sense.

    What really drove me crazy was that they pair you up with a bot that walks around with you but it gets in the way all the time. Its walking on top of you most of the time.

    The biggest beef I have is that I have played all of the Bethesda games since Morrowind, I even beat that game. I don’t care that Oblivion is silly and full of dumb. Its one of my favorite games because of the story development and the characters and the expansive world that is full of life. The people moving in the towns feel like they are going somewhere. The towns feel like they are put together with meaning. Skyrim is a high water mark in video gaming. We don’t even need to get into that.

    Starfield falls flat many times. The enemy AI is stupid as anything I have ever experienced.

    Its not a BAD game, its just not a good game. The graphics arn’t even very special.