• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Thats not how the real world works anywhere but an office. I once did what you said at a construction site and became known as “sjw removed” as opposed to my real name. My crime is that i didnt want to work next to a guy that refused to call me anything but “the homosexual” and made political jabs all day. I wasnt asking for him to be fired. I just wanted to be on a different crew. My boss made extra sure his was the only crew i worked on. DO NOT tell your manager. If you are being bullied at work then its already bad enough that your boss will only make it worse.

  • Its really good to care so much, but not to despair over the world that you individually cant change.

    Live for the life of your friends and lovers not the whole human race. As a human race we should work together and not as individuals, but your own personal satisfaction wont come from whether or not there is a famine. Either way what happens happens. A famine will be much better if you die in a hole full of empty cans alongside your husband, friend, boyfriend, and girlfriend.

    Also, join a local activism group and work to help local issues like all the homeless people. They can be an avenue of making friends and finding worth too! Use your activism group as a way to make friends not exclude friends, and find an enemy you all agree on. You will feel much better if you work out additionally.

  • The average person is basically a cow that has no interests besides easilly accessable movies. They watch things. They don’t actually create anything or have any hobbies or interests. They have no friends outside of work. They have no goals. They do what the people around them tell them to. They are like this because of Christianity and the Patriarchy. Those things are the reasons that the normies suddenly hate me when they see me in lipstick. That is why there are no good parents. Normie consumers want to raise other normie consumers.

  • Sex with my husband. Even when I’ve jerked off 5 times in a day and my dick is sore. Its always worth it and when I turn him down I always regret it. I honestly don’t really care about the feeling that much. I like it, but I just really like how happy it makes him so the feeling is nothing by comparison. It fills me with so much joy being able to share something so beautiful. Its so amazing when we can just hold eachother and listen to eachother breathe.

    There was once a time when sex wasn’t that great because I’d just picture stuff in my head and it was like masturbating. Now I put special effort and attention into focusing totally on him. It is so much better, and it has turned sex into a real social activity with him. Its like watching movies or going on a hike or anyother activity that requires shared thought and teamwork.