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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • It wasn’t really a well-known condition a few decades ago, though i think many veterans suffered from it, they just didn’t know what it was. I was diagnosed with PTSD but not from anything war related.

    In fact it’s mostly from night terrors related to something I experienced as a kid, but not anything to do with my home life. I can’t really explain it (and it’s better if I don’t) but I still deal with it. It started as a kid when I was about eight, and I’m not about to turn 65 and I still cannot sleep in a darkened room or any room with a doorway facing the bed.

    I can’t explain that, it would be useless to try, and the one person I did expain it to said he was having trauma now also and wished I’d never told him about what was going on. It’s like planting a seed, sharing these horrors and that’s something I don’t want - I just have to deal with it the best I can.

  • With a mother like that, no wonder you have such neurological problems. Also, there’s an article on Kbin today about how morning heaving can come from heavy cannabis usage. So that could be part of the problem.

    I have severe gastric pain throughout my GI tract right now that comes and goes in waves, and it’s un-diagnosable, but it feels like I swallowed razor blades while also sitting on an unsheathed knife blade - it really does make me crazy with pain.

    So I know how frustrating it is when there’s nothing they can do or diagnose to help. I don’t use cannabis for pain because I can’t stand the smell or taste of it and nothing works for pain relief when you’re dealing with such horrible symptoms.

    Anyway = / as a fellow sufferer, hang in there and tell your mom to go worry about her own life problems. You don’t need that additional stress!!!

  • Of course I am completely in favor of assisted suicide. Not necessarily just for terminally ill patients but those who have absolutely zero quality of life and only experience life as a series of horrible painful stressors.

    It’s every human being’s right to choose when to end their own life. And after all, death is just the cracking of the outer shell and release into the world you always wanted to live in - it’s a freeing of the spirit within and a necessary part of one’s life cycle.

    There’s always going to be some problem around people changing their mind but, I think most people opting for such a procedure would never change their mind about it. You’d have to have them sign release and total consent forms, and I can already see this thing getting balled up in wads of red tape that will make it virtually impossible to carry out.

  • Oh you do that, Biden. And Netanyahu, being profoundly interested in our point of view and well known for being open minded, will surely sit down and listen respectively and take your comments into account.

    Netanyahu has one characteristic; it is self-serving and that means a total bloodbath for sport. It will never change its programming. But you just go ahead and try to get this filthy piece of stinking scum to recognize it’s own fatal flaw. That will the day. That will certainly be the great day we all so fucking richly hope for.

  • Sure, they demand change. And I would like to see a flying pig with purple and gold spots. We can all soothe ourselves with magical thinking that, somehow, all of a sudden, people will become humane, smart, caring and worthwhile.

    I’ve been alive 7 decades and have seen 7 decades of war in the mid-East, of people hating police, of police brutality, of crime, of degeneracy, of hyped-up shit-brained plutocrats thinking they are the saviors of mankind, of protests, and hate and war mongering and sickness.

    Nothing will change. The only outcome, to any of this, under any circumstances, is an all-out nuclear war, which if we are lucky will come sooner than later. Sweet oblivion. Total eradication of human filth - that is the only possible and hopeful course for the future of this planet.

  • There was no chance Putin wouldn’t stay in office, more’s the pity as it says all that needs be said about why mankind is unreedemable and unworthy of any sort of salvation. Humanity is a cesspool, and Putin is just one of many pieces of feces that swirl around thinking it is better than the rest of the stinking filth swirling around it.

    Why can’t we just have the nuclear war we were meant to have by now? Why is it taking so long for us to hit those buttons and get this nasty shit over with once and for all? It’s the only outcome that will ever be possible, why are we prolonging it??

  • I like it better than Reddit. I don’t feel as over-monitored and as censored if I say something in support of progressive ideals. That’s what got me kicked off Reddit in the first place - having the audacity to say that I feel like the younger generation is more liberal and open minded. After posting that i got a permanent ban from Reddit. (And yes that literally is all that I posted, word for word).

    I still encounter a lot of people on Lemmy calling me an idiot for daring to have an opinion that’s new to them or different from their own. I think that’s just base human behavior at its worst. When I disagree with someone, I try to simply say, “I disagree and here’s why.” But inevitably they come back with name calling.

    So I just try to remember that often times I’m dealing with immature people on here. And they don’t have a lot of worldly experience in some cases. But for the most part it’s been a nice change and a much better platform that Reddit in almost every way.

  • It’s really not easy especially with finding good steady remote jobs. I got my degree decades ago, graduated at the top of my class, elected to several honor societies, and went back and got an MS degree - and even with all that, and proof of my abilities to stick with something, I COULD NOT FIND A JOB.

    Not to even mention a remote job. Finally I found a good paying job in a sector that has nothing to do with my educational background: healthcare. And of course its an on the ground, in person job (couldn’t be done remotely). So maybe try looking at jobs in areas you never considered. You may have to start a position with a regular in -office type job first.

    Good luck with it!!