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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That’s entirely different. As an individual, I have the choice to send emails to, or block emails from, Gmail.com.

    But on Lemmy, if I am on an instance that federates with Threads, and I don’t want Threads.net to get a copy of my content or posts (or have my content or posts show up on Threads.net in the future), then tough shit for me, my only option is to either go silent or move to an instance that has defederated from Threads.

    People keep making the email argument, but it is not the same thing at all. I don’t think it’s fair for a large percentage of lemmy.world’s users to not have a voice in a decision that will absolutely impact them, nor is it fair to have a stance of “then leave then.”

  • In this case, it sure does sound like abuse. Considering the careful wording, combined with the seemingly kneejerk reaction of requiring authentication, there was likely illegal activity going on:

    Earlier this year we saw an increase in the number of reports we received about some people using our service in ways that we cannot tolerate. To be more clear, this was not about some people merely saying things that others disliked.

    Over the past several months we tried multiple strategies in order to end the violations of our terms of service. However in the end, we determined that requiring authentication was a necessary step to continue operating meet.jit.si.

    It was a free, anonymous service that let people stream video and send messages. Consider for a moment if that “video” was actually non-video data encoded to be streamed through Jitsi and sent to another location. Or, consider if the video was video, but was so egregious and illegal, that Jitsi had to take action. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to consider the kinds of activities could have been going on.

  • They didn’t even address what will happen when Facebook starts aggregating data from instances federated with Threads:

    • Vote/Like data
    • Follow relationships
    • Text sentiment analysis
    • Behavioral patterns
    • Periods of activity
    • etc

    Heck, not only did this post not address it, it seems like they tried to downplay it.

    Facebook is an analytics company. Even if it’s not mission critical to the function of Threads, they will scoop up data sent to Threads, they will use it to create profiles on every single non-Threads user they can, and they will sell that data.

    It doesn’t even matter if it violates privacy laws; the laws are toothless to companies as large as Facebook. They’ll just be made to pay a fine and carry on as they are.

    Yes, interoperability would be a win, but not when it comes from a company that has routinely demonstrated they abuse every crumb of data they can get their hands on.

  • I didn’t put my actual inquiry in the comment since it would have made it too long. But I wasn’t asking them about moving to Squarespace, I was very clear that I am burning a bridge with both of them and have no interest in being a customer of either of them. I told them I’ve already moved my domains out of Google Domains, and I wanted to clarify if any historical data about me and my domains (domain ownership history, purchase history, receipts, etc) would go to Squarespace. And they replied with what I put in my comment.

    If I consider their reply to me, and the stuff I’m reading in the link OP posted, this isn’t really a “transition,” Squarespace is just buying the rights to all 10M+ domains Google Domains owns. But if Google Domains doesn’t own a domain anymore, it won’t be part of that transaction.

    That’s what I gathered, anyway. Hopefully they can be less ambiguous before the transaction actually happens. It will probably take the better part of a year, so there is plenty of time.

  • The article covers this a little bit, but I thought I’d share my email response from Google when I asked them “how can I prevent Squarespace from receiving any of my data?” They responded with:

    Based on the summary you have shared, I understand that you need help with your general inquiry about the Google Domains transition to Squarespace. To answer this, if you will be transferring your domains out of Google, all of the data will also be removed. This means that once the transition between Squarespace and Google happens, your data will also be removed.

    I responded to this and basically said, that wording is ambiguous. Will my data be removed before or after the transition? They replied:

    I’m sorry for the confusion. To be clear, Squarespace will not receive any of your Google Domains data. Only the active domain names, excluding the domain names that have been deleted or transferred out, will be affected by the data shift to Squarespace.

    So if I trust their word, it means, if I’ve already transferred out my domains (which I have), Squarespace shouldn’t receive any of my customer information, or even have a record of who I am. Hopefully that’s true.

  • CrossCode! Incredible game, probably my favorite game of all time.

    It’s so much more than it looks. The music is awesome, and in some powerful scenes, the story is driven forward with musical motifs that make the scenes hit that much harder.

    The story is just… really good. I teared up a few times.

    The characters are beautifully written and extremely memorable. By the end of the game, you really feel like you’ve been living with them.

    People say they don’t like the puzzles, but the game comes with difficulty sliders and you can turn down things you don’t like.

    You can get it on consoles, or, on Steam, and even GOG!

    There is a DLC to this game. If you enjoy the game, DON’T SKIP THE DLC!!! It is THE ending to the game! Some might scoff at “oh wow they locked the story behind the DLC,” but no, trust me, it is well worth it. It adds a TON of content and is an extremely well put together finale to the epic story told in the game.