In my case Ruby was my next step. I tried to learn Python later on but it always felt like a step back. Unfortunately Python is much more popular though for some reason so YMMV.
In my case Ruby was my next step. I tried to learn Python later on but it always felt like a step back. Unfortunately Python is much more popular though for some reason so YMMV.
Not super grim, but I worked in a hot warehouse unpacking cheap clothing from China, repacking it and watching the owners turn around and sell it on Groupon for a huge profit. Sometimes their family members would stop by in brand new Mercedes, BMW and other high-end luxury cars.
The others and myself were all promised better jobs like product photographer, website designer, etc. I only lasted there one week.
Yeah, I couldn’t get past this. The turquoise was neither blue nor green but you’re forced to select one or the other.
One of my chihuahuas does this too but doesn’t sneeze.
I really hope not; I love Linux to death but Android is… not nice.
I dreamt that I was traveling in Germany and didn’t want to be called out as American, so the dream switched to Spanish (my second language). My brain did try Mandarin and Japanese but it was probably too resource intensive for a dream.
Having never been to Europe, “Germany” looked a lot more like Mexico than anything.
I feel like this is claiming that Windows has better UI/UX which I always find hilarious.
Which 20 versions of UI are you talking about? Is it Ribbon, Metro, 9x, XP, or half of the non-native JS apps that Microsoft pushes on its own platform (especially funny to me considering they ditch their own UI API)?
Linux can be a very crummy UX too, but using Windows as some sort of standard for comparison is a joke.
Their app was so futuristic on the original iPhone, then it went to shit pretty quick. It looks/behaves like an unmaintained Ruby on Rails 3.1 app.
I’m actually happy to say I haven’t necessarily had any bad programming related interviews. In fact, as someone with zero professional development experience but a healthy portfolio (side business for former employer, systems built for prior jobs not related to development) I’d say it was almost too easy to finally land a full time development job.
Everywhere I go people meander like zombies whether it’s walking, driving, shopping, etc. I can’t figure out why people are soooooo slow, do they have nothing to accomplish? It constantly puts me off, but it’s probably because I moved to a big city in the west (US) coast.
Is that overused? I can’t think of a time I’ve read that and disagreed, and I haven’t seen it used often (especially in headlines).
Do they get sued? Because there is a lot of misinformation out there, and I don’t mean in the far right “fake news” sense.
Same, but include anything hosted on Google, Twitter, TikTok, or Rupert Murdoch / fake news owned servers because for me, it’s just “server cannot be found” (DNS blocking) and I move on.
I don’t have an account and don’t participate, I use Reddit for informational purposes only.
Is it easy to circumvent? I use Tailscale to route everything through a VPN but use an App Connector to route Reddit through my home network, but I really hate that.
I feel attacked.
I do this with Apple News. Not sure if anything like it exists, but what worries me is Apple cut their News development staff recently which makes me think people (at least Apple users) don’t value journalism enough to support it.
I generally don’t mention it if I can help it, or I just say I don’t eat animal products. But people still have a hard time figuring out basic things like honey is an animal product.
Look, I just don’t want to disturb the animals if I can help it, alright? It’s just super unnecessary for my survival.
Chips and hummus, sometimes B*tchin’ Sauce
I think there’s some merit to this, I had blonde hair as a child and now when I go to the beach a lot during the summer is starts to lighten again.