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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • You know what else you don’t hear

    “What, that place? That one right there? Yeah, that place is like heaven on earth.”

    Never, but you hear the opposite all the time.

    More, so, you’ll often hear people caught doing something wrong claim that the devil made them do it or that something bad is the devils work.

    You know why?

    Because the devil is busy

    Imagine they swapped jobs and, instead, we had a devil we never heard anything from and a busy ass god making heaven on earth all over the place.

    1. they can but they’re so few and far between that they don’t need mentioning. Loads will claim to have been born poor too but experience has left me unable to trust those claims. I even reference the fact that its not literally all off them, so I’m not sure why you needed to mention it again.

    2. All landlords, I was very clear about that but people making money through simply being a middle person sucks too. Nothing close to landlords though which is why I didn’t mention them and they aren’t covered by what I said.

    3. Ah yes, the old “bitter or a hypocrite” trope. It has to be one or the other, as the amoral people who throw it around can’t comprehend a moral objection to exploitation, usually due to poor empathy and even poorer social skills. The only people who want something for doing no work is landlords and shareholders. Its just astral level projection from people born to wealth, who even try to moralise their explanation by claiming everyone else, not born to their privilege and opportunity, must be lazy.

    It turns out, they dont care about anyone being bitter or hypothetical, let alone the morality of just about anything. They just really don’t want people talking about inequality or exploitation.

  • People extorting money due to the finite nature of land, for the sole reason of having been born with better access to capital.

    It’s just making money, due to having money. They didn’t invent anything, they didnt discover and invest in an emerging company. They didn’t do anything innovative or clever. Anyone born to wealth could have done it. Which is why those are, by far and away, the vast majority of landlords.

    Even a Conservative, union busting aristocrat like Churchill knew how bad landlordism was and landlords have been hated throughout all of human history. It’s only the current neoliberal plague who’ve attempted to moralise it with rich people worship and bootstrap paradoxes.