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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023

  • The thing is you’re absolutely right, it’s not the fault of business that they’re allowed to run rampant and that the system is gameable. It’s kinda their fault that they’re so good at lying and then supporting those lies through lobbying for wrongheaded/poor/ignorant/laughable legislation, but it’s simply the clever thing to do in the situation.

    No, it’s the situation that needs to change. The government which allows them to govern themselves with revolving doors and without oversight is the real problem. The justices who put their own interests before their job. The stock market which eventually requires the enshittification of everything, and which does not allow the company to take the correct course. And the politicians, who either knew or had already abdicated their responsibilities, and so let them do it anyway, from plastics recycling to PFAS to climate change - it’s all lies, all the time and too little, too late.

    Let’s replace them all with AI. At least it just hallucinates. It’s not yet established itself to be reliably malevolent, and maybe if we get rid of all these shitheads pumping out bad information and bullshit simply to cover their own asses, it’ll start getting better information and hallucinate less, who knows, at least it won’t be actively trying to wipe us all out so we don’t figure out what it’s been up to.

  • old people don’t have anything to do BUT vote, and bitch and moan, and most importantly to them, reminisce. Which means they won’t actually be paying attention to current events, because they think they already know everything and can’t understand new perspectives. My inlaws have members three generations older than me, and those fucking people - one of them said that she’d never bothered updating the opinions her parents gave her because “if they were good enough for them they’re good enough for me” - I mean, they’re literally living fossils, venerating the dead and having zero understanding of anything that’s happened since September 11, the last world event worth noticing in their view.

    You couldn’t get three words into a discussion of some of the concerns of the modern world without their eyes glazing over. It’s not possible for them to “get it”.