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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Why I have a phobia of them? (Along, btw, with maggots, larvae, caterpillars, etc.) I don’t think I can give you a good answer, because, well, there is no rational answer to that. I understand they are harmless to me and even good for the environment. Which is why the thought of a place of earth that is both healthy and worm(-alike)-free is literally a paradise dream to me.

    There is no reason for the complete and utter shock feeling. I can’t explain it. But I would, for real, rather die than get close to this. I am very willing to chop my arm off to not touch one. I know I was very lucky for the last 32 years to have avoided these situations and I don’t know what to do when they will come up some time in the future. But I do stand by what I said and I think and reconsider it on a regular basis. So far I would rather die or chop my arm off. It’s not a feeling like a panic attack, it is a constant panic mode, a shock, a feeling of existential threat.

    You might wonder why I don’t do therapy. The big problem is that I absolutely don’t want it to be otherwise. I don’t want to not have this phobia, I just don’t want the triggers in my life. The thought of looking at a worm and be ok with it is nothing that I feel is worth aquiring. Irrationally, all of you who are just ok with these creatures or tolerate them are the weird ones to me. How does it not make you panic? It feels like the natural and right response to me. At the same time, I know why - because there is no harm. I know your reactions are normal. I just, emotionally, absolutely don’t want this to be normal.

    PS: I’ve been thinking for days on whether to reply or not and decided this time to not delete that worm related comment but actually try to tell you. My first reaction on replies when I happen to comment on this issue is to delete every evidence of me ever talking about worms so that I don’t end up being further engaged or ridiculed. (I understand the latter, I always try to imagine someone having a phobia of squirrels, which are like the cutest thing.) I also tried my best to spell the words out, which is hard to me. I usually just write ~ when I text someone. Anyway, sorry for the late reply.

  • I’d freaking love to work as a waitress. It was my dream job as a kid and when I tried it here and there I enjoyed it a lot. But the pay is shit and the social status, being looked down on, as someone stupid or lower… Man, I’d love to be a part time waitress. But until socialism hits and a part time waiting job would be sufficient to feed half a family I’ll stick with the biomedical industry and PhD program.

    It always makes me so sad to think about how children talk about those “shit jobs”. You won’t find a kid who wants to become a financial advisor or a tax attorney. Most kids want to build homes, cook, wait, clean, work with animals, drive trains, drive trucks, … Jesus how many kids I see who are freaking fascinated by garbage trucks and want nothing more than to work as garbage men. And then they grow up and society indoctrinates them into thinking these are bad jobs for lower people, and reality shows you that you can’t make a living off these jobs, so better do something you cannot even pronounce.

  • Bruh I saw avocado toasts everywhere in Russia in 2016 when I did a semester abroad. (And craft beers and most of them weren’t even IPAs!) I am pretty sure we had them in Germany around that time too, but it is harder to pinpoint when it started (a semester abroad is an easier time reference to remember).

    There was also a lot of avocado toast in summer 2018 Portland and Seattle. (And craft beer but most of it were IPAs.)

  • I’m sure there are already answers to this question l, but wouldn’t a basic universal income lead to some inflation/price rises?

    I live in the most expensive city in my country and rent is insane. It’s not about finding a cheaper apartment or a smaller one because there are none or you won’t get them. They are not taking in a family of three into less than a three room apartment and sometimes even three room apartments are considered too small for a family with one little kid. And to be clear, if you are long term unemployed, the government pays for your housing. Theoretically. You still have to find a suitable apartment and there.are.none.

    I would much rather have someone provide me guaranteed housing for free than to fear that my basic universal income will at some point not even be enough to cover my rent, even if it is just “basic”. But to me, “basic” in this sense would equal survival. It would mean housing, food, healthcare. I much rather take these things directly than make use of a small amount of money that will always be too little and end up having to choose between the cheapest cereal or the cheapest bread because I cannot afford both this month. Money and freedom to spend it as you wish is great, but I just cannot imagine how this would work. Apartments won’t magically keep their prices or appear out of thin air.

    I’m sorry if this comment is too focused on housing, it is just the most anxiety evoking example I have. (And also we are moving in two weeks so maybe I am a bit preoccupied.)

  • That was my thought as well. I am unfortunately not able to afford an expensive phone if it won’t last significantly longer than a regular. But then again, my Xiaomi phone became unusable after about 2, maybe 3 years I think. It was just to unbearably slow. So ok, it’s about 150-200€ every 2 years - maybe 700€ for 5 wouldn’t be that bad then. I also saw there is something like a subscription thing where you pay per month?

  • For lack of a better term, girly content, and parent content. I miss A Bra That Fits, Big Boob Problems, Makeup Addiction, Babybumps, New Parents. And all those small weird (more or less) niche stuff like Minithreats or Accidental Swastika or Moldy Interesting.

    But I am still getting used to Lemmy and figuring out how this works, so maybe I have just not found the right communities yet. Searching for them and adding them is so confusing.