• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So I just read the article and I was right and I’ll be editing my comment to reflect that.

    Also, I did just re look at the tweets, they weren’t calling for the mass genocide of gay people, they were calling for the mass genocide of jewish people. The problem was that the tweet was linked with another tweet where they used the F-slur, so I forgot they said “jews” and not the F-slur. I’m going to have fix that too.

  • While I have no problem with what Sweet Baby Inc does, I hate that all of the articles defending them (like this one) refuse to acknowledge a lot of the reasons why they are getting backlash. Like all of the tweets from SBI employees that either use racist/anti-LGBT slurs or advocate for the mass genocide of Jewish people or the fact that this whole thing started because SBI started a harassment campaign towards the creator of a steam group despite not having any information that actually proved that the group was in the wrong and also ignoring the fact that the group was created by someone from Brazil and claiming that the group was created by right-winged conspiracy theorists.

  • I don’t know if you are looking for anything specific but here is a list of some of the games that I would recommend trying:

    The Harry Potter games, the PS2 version of these games seem to be heavily inspired by the N64 era Zelda games as they have a lot of similarities. Chamber of Secrets is, at least in my opinion, the best of the three but the other two games are still worth checking out. Also, something interesting to note is that, unlike how games for these systems normally are, the PS2 versions of these games are technically better than both the GameCube and Xbox versions due to porting issues and some other poor design choices.

    The Sly cooper games, these games, especially 2 and 3, are speculated to be direct inspiration for the Assassin’s Creed games. Some say that Sly 2 is the best, while others say that 3 was the best, but I don’t know which one I prefer.

    Monster house, I know that this is a bit of a weird one to mention, but it was a really good game. The game is similar to Resident Evil 4 in both gameplay and atmosphere. It’s one of the rare examples of a movie licensed game that was actually good.

    Pac-Man World 2 and 3, both which are action platformers. I personally prefer 3 but 2 had a better soundtrack (I don’t know why they put that much effort in the OST of a Pac-Man game).

  • I don’t really know what to pick so I’m going to go with something kind of obscure, “The Adventures of Bouapha: Spooky Castle”. The gameplay is a little hard to explain but it kind of plays like Zelda but you can pickup upgrades for your main weapon that allows it to be thrown in many directions and it has sub-weapons that can either be found or dropped by enemies and they have limited ammo.

    I actually forgot this game existed until itch recommended me “Hamsandwich”, which is a free and open-source collection of updated versions of a bunch of old Hamumu Software games. There are mods available for specific games and it’s available for Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android and any other OS/device that can play the online version.

  • I’ve never actually met a real famous person but the closest was that I once went to school with a girl who later briefly did photo shoots for a vaguely popular magazine. I don’t remember her full name but her first name was something like “Kristina” and I’m pretty sure her last name sounded Russian. She randomly friended me on Facebook several years ago but when I messaged to her, it seemed like I was talking to her manager and not her directly, it was very weird.

  • Nope, I actually deleted my Reddit account. I already had low support for Reddit because of the response they gave after the last time there was a Reddit blackout. I had been using Lemmy on and off on my old account on the main instance, so when the recent blackout happened, I gave Reddit one last chance but the way they handled the situation was the last straw for me. I came back to my account on Lemmy and used it until the main Lemmy instance started having server problems due to the influx of users.

  • I don’t watch very many movies and this might be a controversial answer but the Hunger Games (at least the first movie, I’ve only seen the first one). It actually took me a whole month to watch it because the first time I tried to watch it, I fell asleep about 5 minutes in and I had to build up the mental fortitude to actually finish watching it. And it took me a total of three sittings to watch because I didn’t have any connection to the story or the characters at all. I think I also remember the second half of the movie being actually good (not great, just good) but nothing really notable happens in the first half.

    I think if they gave less time to the back story of the characters and focused more on the hunger games portion, it might have been fine.

  • I don’t have this problem with YouTube but I have this with video games. What I do is remember that I’m one person, I can never experience everything. With any form of media, what I get to experience is what I get to experience. Even though I don’t have much, as long as I get to experience something that’s new to me, even if it’s old, I’m still happy with it.

  • Going this hard to fight ad blockers isn’t going to work like YouTube thinks it will. The only thing it’s going to do is force people to find ways to bypass it or just start using a YouTube alternative. If YouTube is serious about wanting people to use ad blockers less, they should have conducted some form of a survey to find out why people use ad blockers on YouTube and then make changes to either find some sort of a middle ground with ad block users or try to incentives users to turn off their ad blocker.

    Obviously, they wouldn’t do that because it would require that they listen to their users and everyone knows how much they like to listen to their users before making any kind of decision.