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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • This is my issue.

    Its a fantasy world. Dont copy paste non magic human solutions to disability. Create fantasy ones.

    Enchanted pants that give you mild telekenesis while wearing them, but only on the pants. You can walk with your mind now, but you need the pants to do so.

    Youre still disabled, but now your disability is more akin to glasses. An aide that is required, but in most cases completely masks your disability and lets you go about your day to day mostly unhindered, all while maintaining the worlds flavor without the weird clash of having a piece of tech that doesnt match the world around it.

    Dont want your disability fully masked? Give them a familiar to ride. Or keep the telekenesis, but make it a chair whose legs can walk.

    Its fantasy so we can ignore reality for a lil while. You dont need real solutions to problems, you need fantasy solutions.

  • It is literally a toxin, which is part of why it binds to your pain receptors and not your taste buds.

    Which is also why it reacts with your entire digestive system, not just your mouth. Because it is a mammal targeting poison that evolved to deter unwanted predation. Its supposed to make you sick, so you dont eat the pepper and grind its seeds with your teeth.

    Its just a toxin that is only deadly in insanely massive doses, that humans are lucky enough to be able to build tolerance for.

    Capsaicin is not the first toxin humans ingest for fun. It will not be the last. But while lots of toxins are fun to eat, you shouldnt forget that it is very much a toxin, which is why some people cannot stomach them. Not everyone can stomach eating poisons easily, and you can have too much of them if youre not careful.

    E: to clarify, “you dont taste with your butthole” means while capsaicin is a fun flavor boosting chemical when paired with food, you do not get the additional flavor when that chemical passes through your south mouth and shares its little gift regardless.