Every community I care about is dead

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think the limited number of posts per day feature of this is really the standout that makes this intriguing to me. We already have the Lemmit bot posting every single post from reddit to Lemmy like a firehose, but discussion on them is sort of like yelling into a void. If we only post the top ~3 posts per day from a subreddit, we can condense any conversation into just those and guarantee that it’s not going to get washed away with the rest of the junk content. Even though it’s not ideal, I think a crutch like this could go a long way to seeding some “natural” activity.

  • This whole story is full of hilarious bits, and there’s far too many good quotes for me to post them all, but from another angle it’s just sad that these people are so far gone from reality that they can be taken advantage of like this. You really think Walmart is going to give you a 10000% guaranteed ROI after a year of holding some funny money? That doesn’t set off any alarm bells? Why would Trump give you 100x your money before he’s even re-elected in 2024? What could he have done to bring about such economic inflation prosperity in a single year?

  • RE: “should I believe this headline?” I would say yeah this is a reasonable thing to use AI for. I assume they are not going to let it full-auto massacre all Wikipedia citations but as long as they have someone verifying the replacements that the AI is generating then this seems like a semi-auto way to clean up citations. My only worry would be that the AI would become a full replacement for finding sources, in which case people could just start accepting its suggestions as the best answers when manual searching could find a better source.

    The article does say it downranks low-quality sources, but I wonder how often you can type “what I want to be true” into it and have it find a source for nonsense.