Not strict as in beatings; strict as in limited screen time, set bedtime and morning call, curfew, chore schedule, healthy diet and mandatory regular exercise, no smartphone, etc. We have a 15-year-old son.

  • dfyxA
    4 months ago

    While I might even agree with you on the lack of discipline, I think you may be overcompensating, especially considering your son being 15 already.

    Now, I may be biased as someone who has spent most of his waking time since teenage years figuring out how to convince computers to do my bidding but a daily screen time of just two hours doesn’t seem enough to build proper media literacy and an understanding of how modern technology actually works which to me is a serious concern in a world where almost every job requires us to interact with that technology. And a curfew that’s significantly more strict than what his friends have to obay will eventually make him an outsider.

    We don’t know the full story and maybe he is happy with your methods but please please please talk to him about his feelings. I’ve seen hundreds if not thousands of young people who loathe their parents for their strict parenting methods but are too afraid to say something for fear of being punished with even stricter rules. Then, the second they turn 18, they break all ties and never look back.