Escape from New York meets Ghost in the Machine.

I think it’s a shame it’ll be a month late as compared to the in-universe significant august 2023 event, but that’s fine.

I think it looks way more cinematic than the base game. I’m not sure how much were going to be feeling that, especially since that runs the risk of railroading players and removing our freedom.

Still, I am stoked.

    1 year ago

    I’ll definitely be getting it, because I’d love more 2077 content. But as for “more cinematic”, that was one of the things that disappointed me about the main game was that it had such a specific story in mind. I mean overall it’s an enjoyable story, I was just hoping for a game that let you make up your own. I haven’t really played many crpgs (far more ttrpgs) so maybe that’s just not a thing? Or just less popular maybe? Idk lol. Still one of my favorite games ever.