Heat pumps are more efficient, yes, but people still use space heaters to heat small areas. I can’t pick up and move a heat pump around my home lol. Heating a small area a few more degrees is going to be cheaper than heating the whole house more a few more degrees (even with a heat pump).
The key is to live in an apartment and then install aluminum heat fins on every shared wall. Bonus points looks a little like a medieval torture chamber, but the real win is heating bill.
I wonder if some day we’ll see space heaters that mine crypto.
a major problem for miners is heat dissipation
the chips commodify more every year
retail energy costs more than wholesale energy
heat pumps are more cost effective in most cases
Heat pumps are more efficient, yes, but people still use space heaters to heat small areas. I can’t pick up and move a heat pump around my home lol. Heating a small area a few more degrees is going to be cheaper than heating the whole house more a few more degrees (even with a heat pump).
The key is to live in an apartment and then install aluminum heat fins on every shared wall. Bonus points looks a little like a medieval torture chamber, but the real win is heating bill.