Federated services have always had privacy issues but I expected Lemmy would have the fewest, but it’s visibly worse for privacy than even Reddit.

  • Deleted comments remain on the server but hidden to non-admins, the username remains visible
  • Deleted account usernames remain visible too
  • Anything remains visible on federated servers!
  • When you delete your account, media does not get deleted on any server
  • dfyxA
    1 year ago

    I never understood why people have the urge to post their whole life on social media. The world doesn’t need to know if I was drunk last night, what my sexual preferences are or who I spend my time with. I post if I have something that I actively want people to know. Could that be something that I would find cringy in a few years? Of course, I’m sure there’s stuff from my teenage years out there that I would rather forget. But is it something that would actively harm me if someone found it? Not to my knowledge.

    So yes, you can absolutely live without posting stuff that would harm you if it was in the news.