By weird I mean outside of regular cat diet, things like cornflakes, ketchup or banana bread (these are real examples from my and my friends’ cats).

    10 months ago

    One of mine likes chewing on wires to electrical devices. He used to do it only occasionally, but at some point he got the hint that I’m shooing him away when he does it and now he’ll start whenever I’m at the computer and he’s upset I’m not giving him adequate attention. He stops by and stands up against the chair to let me know he wants attention, and if I explain to him that I’m working on something and you’ll need to wait, he’ll immediately move to chewing at the wires.

    This along with the fact that he’s more interested in me the second I start talking on my phone means I have to leave the room absolutely any time I want to answer or make a phone call.

    I love him and he might have the happiest disposition of any cat I’ve met, but he’s really an asshole sometimes. He pounces me when I’m sleeping sometimes too which can really hurt if his nails get me.