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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You see it - an ambush. Four with crossbows, watching from the shadows in upper story windows. One leaning against the wall forty feet ahead with his finger twitching nervously over his knife. Three at a table, barely visible through swinging saloon doors, but each with a hatchet in hand listening for the sound of fighting. You feel every grazing shift of the wind, hear the distant crake of carrion crows unaware of the feast that is about to be laid out.

    You see beyond the walls of the buildings, even. No, beyond… something else. Another kind of wall. One distant, but ever-present. Five titanic figures, shrouded in the haze of vast distances, looking over you. They speak, but you cannot know their tongue. One commands the others, a theatrical gesture wrought across the entire sky, and the other four hurl stones of mountainous proportion. What calamity have you witnessed?

    And in an instant, they vanish from your sight. One of the crossbowmen shot your leg.

  • it said something like “this is very high”.

    Maeshowe, in the Orkney Islands off the northern tip of Scotland. It’s a properly ancient structure, and there are 30 runic inscriptions in it which are all just straight up graffiti, including “Tholfir Kolbeinsson carved these runes high up”. My favourite part is it’s not even that high up, like the guy was probably just on someone’s shoulders.

    Oddly enough we probably have the story of the graffiti artists. The Orkneyinga saga tells the tale of some 12th century Norsemen who took shelter there during a snowstorm and looted the place. By the time they did so, Maeshowe was already about 4,000 years old, and whatever they looted was probably left there by their own ancestors a few centuries beforehand.