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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I told myself I liked SGU. Then I rewatched it a few years ago. It didn’t age well. Eli is basically the only likeable character. Why do I care what happened to Rush or the others? They were all assholes. I doubt I’ll give it another go, even though I’ll rewatch SG-1 and Atlantis eventually. A shame. It had good ideas, and the looks back at what was going on on Earth were cool, but you have to like (or love to hate) the characters to make a TV show work. I didn’t enjoy Rush or Young as antagonists, they were just dicks.

  • the expectation is that the players have just been paying attention to the game in general.

    Hahaha. We just spent several months of game time (and several years of real time) taking a succubus-esque thing around with us because we didn’t listen to some NPCs at the very beginning and thought she was just a hostage we were rescuing. The GM spent so much time slowly building her up and making her ever so slightly more evil to see when we’d finally notice. Turns out it took literally mind controlling one of our named NPCs that worked in the circus. Boy, did we feel bad afterwards. We still didn’t know she was a succubus, we thought she was just an asshole, so we fired her. The GM let us know afterwards. There was no detail about her in the book other than the initial encounter, we were just supposed to kill her.

    So yeah. Paying attention. We don’t really do that…

  • Ah, but from where I sit (a long way from the US), it looks more like a pissing contest between the Republicans to see who can be the most terrible human being in government, than it does look like any sort of actual policy or principal.

    It’s not about helping Ukraine, or avoiding the mistakes of Afghanistan - it’s about trying to make Biden (and/or ‘The Dems’ in general) look bad, even if that involves civilian deaths.

    Are they evil, Russian agents or just absolute clowns? It doesn’t really matter, does it. The end result is the same.