• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Update: thank you for pointing out to me which community this was posted on.

    I’m going to leave this post up as a cautionary tale for people like me who don’t pay enough attention!

    But Linux is cool cuz it’s so fast and it doesn’t break.

    Long as I’ve been using it anyway.

    So now linux is going to be much slower, going to break and be more susceptible to security breaches?

    I’m not a programmer, is the upside supposed to be that with so many more programmers able to work on the kernel, those issues will be able to be fixed by the extra programmers?

    It’s not like there’s anything wrong with Linux right now.

  • Again, raiders did adventure right and nine failed the genre utterly.

    The amulet is a great example.

    It’s a divine object based on divine mythology, which is all about specific moments and specific ordained destinies , so Indy receives the amulet from the other main character who is as much of a badass as he is and then discovering and entering the map room on the right day at the right time makes sense within the context of the movie.

    It fits in with the theme of the movie and is very exciting, as an adventure movie should be.

    Rey, having received the dagger from nobody important , standing on a random spot for no reason after nothing interesting has happened in the movie, notices the absurdly shaped dagger matches the island, but only from her perspective from exactly the spot she is randomly standing among the entire surface of the Moon.

    Nothing exciting happens, nothing momentous, they all kind of shrug and say “oh that’s it.”

    Raiders did it well, India frantic with excitement, and it makes sense within the context of the movie, nine failed utterly, made it boring and nobody cares even inside the movie.

    As for your other questions

    " Who maintains the traps?"

    “'Why are the temples so convoluted?”

    “Why design a building to collapse after the treasure is stolen?”

    There is one answer to all three of those questions: to protect the sacred from the profane.

    Whoever designed the temple was protecting a priceless artifact. The temples are convoluted to protect the priceless artifact. The traps were designed well to be maintenance free so that they would protect the artifact. The building is designed to collapse to protect the artifact from being stolen.

    “You’re thinking Raiders is fine (which it is) maybe because you didn’t watch it looking for flaws”

    The first thing I mentioned to you when you brought up raiders was that raiders does not make sense and has a bunch of plot holes, but is very exciting and works within its own story.

    The problem with nine is that it is very boring and doesn’t work within its own story.

    It’s enjoyable for you, enjoy it.

    That does not make it a well-crafted or exciting adventure movie.

    You keep saying that an audience member just has to ignore all of the elements in nine that are not good and then you’ll enjoy the movie.

    You don’t need to ignore anything in raiders, it’s a fun movie despite its flaws that it incorporates into its story seamlessly so that you barely noticed them.

    Enjoy your movie, but so far you’ve made zero valid points trying to equivocate the success of raiders and the failure of nine.

  • That’s a single layer; choosing your own family was introduced in 1977 and then abandoned in 9 because everyone splits up qnd Rey takes up the name of Skywalker which doesn’t have much to do with and goes against her story that it doesn’t matter where you come from.

    “it’s Star Wars, people are always changing their names”

    There are hundreds of main characters in these movies and shows and I can’t think of any characters that change their names outside of the handful of sith and Rey.

    By " people are always changing their names" do you mean the sith and Rey? The four guys required to change their names and the one girl over 50 years of media?

    What a tidal wave of change.

    “…the most interesting of all of the Star Wars movies, just isn’t appreciated by hot take internet culture that fixates on the nitpicks.”

    This doesn’t make any sense, at least with what we’ve been talking about, themes and main events.

    What are you referring to?

  • I’m not fixated on one artifact. I mentioned one artifact and it’s all you’ve talked about.

    So I’m responding to what you keep talking about, the knife.

    Which is a major unnecessary fiasco of the film, no matter how many times you say minor.

    Since you brought it up again:

    Raiders uses an artifact to great effect, are the amulet is necessary irreplaceable and uniquely expressed through the power of the sun on a particular day turning into a laser beam. Very fun, very exciting.

    Nine uses a knife whose purpose is completely useless since the island can be found in any number of ways, and when the dull knife is utilized nothing happens except they literally match a shape to another shape that doesn’t need to be matched.

    It makes me embarrassed for Daisy Ridley just to think that she was put in that position as a decent actor.

    Like I said, a glass of wine to moldy Kool-Aid.

    The best implementation of something like an artifact versus the worst implementation.

    You can ask questions about something other than the knife If you like.

    I enjoy tons of new movies. And I can tell you why I enjoy them with the same level of precision and accuracy that I can tell you why mine was so terrible.

    Your argument reminds me of a guy I knew who was insisting that NSync will be remembered as culturally as important as the Beatles.

    This desperate equivocation of two completely different groups.

    You’re trying to ignore all of the context and details of the movie and insist they’re both just “magic” “adventure” movies.

    Those are barely accurate descriptors of the theme of the movie and have no bearing on the quality of the movie itself.

  • Wow, you get really upset about those movies huh?

    That’s an interesting take, why don’t you want the excitement or adventure in an adventure movie?

    I guess if you liked rise of Skywalker, it makes sense that you don’t like excitement or adventure in your adventure movies.

    You’re projecting about this knife thing. You keep making assumptions instead of asking questions and then criticizing your own assumptions.

    A few minor flaws? That movie was a train wreck.

    Train wreck.

    See, you’re making assumptions again about what others and then criticizing yourself instead of asking questions.

  • Depends what you mean by bad. Is raiders not enjoyable?

    Ppf, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t enjoy raiders.

    Is it constructed well? God no hahah, it is barely constructed at all. It’s like a series of disconnected vignettes.

    I don’t even think the amulet is as bad as the knife.

    It’s a valid comparison, but there’s so much momentum pushing raiders forward that it seems natural he would get lucky with the amulet as well.

    In nine,


    you’re being dragged through 2 hours of zero tension or momentum and then when they arrive at an area that they know the sith are at, instead of the strongest Force character ever using the force to sense what general direction this hideout could be, or scanning for machines or literally anything else, they’re like well gee. If it isn’t here then it’s impossible that we’ll ever find it- oh wait, I have this knife that only works from this specific promontory from this specific distance on an area the size of a planet.

    Good thing the emperor told them he was back for no reason instead of consolidating his forces and making a plan?

    And it turns out that the knife points them, the only characters in an entire galaxy that are a threat to the sith, to an inexplicably accessible and shallow cave on an island super close to shore that someone who has been telegraphing their allegiance to Rey is waiting oh my gosh it was so ridiculous.

    You’d have to add a lot of bullshit contrivances to make that amulet scene as insulting to the audience and idiotic as rise of skywalker turned out to be.

    I think the strength of the amulet is that they don’t explain it too much. There’s a feeling of destiny with the amulet, like is nothing else Indiana could have done to get to this point and that’s his last resource.

    Not so at all with the knife. Not so at all with many things in these movies that could have been accomplished in different, smarter safer ways for the characters or more exciting nail biting ways for the audience.

    The specific knife plot could have happened in so many other ways and this way is among the worst.

    At this point in the movie,


    Kylo Ren could have just told her where the island was or she could have intuited it from him because she can literally read mines now and he already told her pretty much point blank multiple times that he’s ready to betray empire.

    Rey could have developed a force sonar, she has so many new powers and doesn’t even need a training montage that would have made perfect sense. She can already sense the sith better than anybody else ever.

    The rebels could have scanned the top 10 ft of the apparently otherwise empty planet and found this cave.

    Luke’s ghost could have pointed her in the right direction and that would have made much more sense.

    Almost anything would have made more sense and more importantly, been more cinematically exciting and satisfying for the audience than what they chose to go with.

    Nine is a blight.

  • I do feel sympathy for George Lucas repeatedly telling people since 1977 that these are movies for children, then he sells it to the ultimate children’s company and then people going to see the Disney movies are shocked that it’s a fun, light space adventure.

    But I knew what I was getting into and I had a very fun time with seven, whereas nine is bad to the point of being insulting to any audience, including a child audience.

    I am curious to see if the critical success of Andor, a more gritty Star wars tale, rubs off on the new movies.

  • Got it, thanks.

    I actually had a conversation with someone who had seen the promos for game of thrones season 1 or heard about it somewhere, and we had this huge conversation because I had just finished reading the books and they didn’t even know there was a book series.

    After trying the first season a couple times and not getting into it, I didn’t really follow it so I’m not sure if most viewers even know that it’s based on a book series.

    I have seen a lot of articles about Martin not publishing any new books though?

    I am going to give the show a third try eventually, but I just liked it the second time as much as the first for how poorly I thought the books were being adapted.

    It’s good to hear that you enjoyed it, maybe I was just too close to the books still. The last time I watched game of thrones was maybe 5 years ago.

    Hopefully my brain has decayed enough to give it another shot.

    But then everybody hates the last two seasons with a passion, right? And that’s like 30% of the show?


  • Watched four through six before checking out 7.

    Do you have some examples that you’re talking about specifically besides mega death Star?

    It seemed pretty clear to me that Disney was trying to remimagine elements of four so that they could have a new series all to themselves, but the movie itself felt new in a lot of ways.

    Finn was a huge part of that, there was never a character like him before.

    They also didn’t have a Kenobi leading them through everything.

    It’s the Star wars universe so a lot of the themes and elements (spaceships, and overbearing government, manichean forces) are going to be similar, but you had new characters doing different things for different reasons in different situations for most of the movie.