As with this bio, I write a lot of my comments while riding the delta waves (weed, lots of legal weed) so take that as you will if you’re visiting, because these comments are bout to take you on a riiiiiiiddeee. Nah… but I am going deaf, so that’s my excuse for being so gotdamn long-winded. 😃

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Alright. As I yield to yet another cannabis-laced existential crisis, picking idly, furiously, at my own damn identity and supposed role in whatever this place, space, realm is … Well, this hit me (pun shockingy not intended) and my current mental state so close to home, it’s not even funny. Except it is. In a bittersweet way, I love it.

    I love this style of webcomic (bookcomic? lul) and I feel like I’m about to dive headlong into another beautifully depressing, identity-shattering rabbit hole like I did with Elan School.

    Edit: I’d never seen this or the full book before, so if you do check out Elan School (which is non-fiction btw, at least in this reality, hahaha), be warned, it’s a lot longer than 22 pages. So worth it though. A wiiiild ride.