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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • That being said, CSS frameworks are still wonderful, used right they can save a lot of time during early development by outsourcing the majority of design to the framework devs.

    That’s actually my intent with using a CSS framework. A personal project of mine reached minimum viable product statud status (phones…) recently, I included bulma, and used some of its components for stuff like menus and modals. It was definitely faster than writing everything by hand early on. But I also ended up writing my own CSS anyway, especially with the grid, which is the foundation on which my app works on (it’s a grid-based colour mixing app).

    I agree, I think CSS frameworks have a place for prototyping and we shouldn’t rely on them as a project moves towards a proper release 🤔

    Then again, some people might think the obfuscation in 20+ classes is somehow a good thing…frankly, I think it’s worse than inline styles. It’s basically obfuscated inline styles!

  • I’m very on the fence about it. I’m generally against AI to generate final products. But, I can see its value in a TTRPG session (that isn’t paid for). A number of TTRPG campaigns I’ve been in just use art they found on the Internet and I highly doubt they asked for permission first.

    I think as long it’s used in a private game and not something to be published (streaming, as part of a summary on a public blog, podcasts, etc), then go for it. It falls under personal use so I doubt you’ll run into any legal troubles as long it stays private. I would say if it is being used in a public way, then it’s okay if the source material is licenced appropriately (allows for derivative work, modifications and redistribution).

    Other than the legal quandary, I solo play. Which means I’m using roll-tables when I’m stuck or want RNG to decide for me. Some would argue that’s like using AI. I don’t fully agree, but I could see where they’re coming from. That’s why I’m on the fence.

  • I remember hearing about it but the prospect of not being able to replay it turned me off. At least, that’s what I gleaned over the years. I vaguely recall someone posting a picture of them framing the board when they were done with the game (campaign?)

    Maybe I got the wrong impression? I suppose I should take another look-see.

    I haven’t played that much Pandemic, really, so the mechanics have yet to get old for us 😅

  • I can’t help but love when subreddits do this in response to the threat of removing mods if they stay private. I remember there were some that were posting “sexy” pics of John Oliver. iPhone was limited to posting “sexy” pics of Tim Cook. Working with what they have in order to continue their protests. I like it😁

    It has malicious compliance written all over it 🙃

  • Hello!

    I’ve went though a stint where I just didn’t want to play boardgames. Largely because a lot of them are competitive and I don’t like the vibe that usually brings out of me. Recently, my housemate and I grew our collection of co-op games. I have to say that the “Star Wars: The Clone Wars - A Pandemic System Game” is our favourite so far. We only played it a few times and…failed on all counts! It’s a Pandemic game and we haven’t played the system much so we haven’t figured out the best way to work around it. I do look forward to figuring that out!

    As for TTRPGs. Oh man…for group play, I would say the Genesys system (EDGE/FFG Star Wars RPG…yeah, there’s a pattern 😉 ). But I’ve shifted away from group play and into solo play. Ironsworn: Starforged, as a system, is my favourite. Not a huge fan of the setting but there are people working on addons and mods so it wouldn’t be hard to adjust. I also plan on making an attempt at solo-playing SWRPG/Genesys. I’ve noticed a lack of solo-play podcasts for that specific system so that’s something I plan on doing in the near future!

    I also have a ridiculous amount of TTRPGs I’ve…collected over the years. The two I definitely want to play, solo or group, is Cities Without Numbers and Eclipse Phase 2e. I really like the cyberpunk + future tech settings and haven’t had a chance to really play a game like that. Maybe a one-shot once upon a time.

    I think that’s all I have to share for now! I’m excited to see and chat about this stuff with y’all 😄

  • Mifuyne@beehaw.orgtoProgramming@beehaw.orgHow to Linux?
    1 year ago

    As @Sharmat@beehaw.org pointed out, you don’t need to dive into the terminal right away. As long you stick to the more user-friendly distros, you should be able to get on board fairly quickly and easily. Also, as @ezri@beehaw.org pointed out, Google is your friend!

    That said, if you want to dive into the terminal, read on! I spoiler tagged it so it doesn’t overwhelm you or anyone in the same boat. Just click on the arrow or “The dive!” to expand it 😊

    The dive!

    System76, the group behind Pop!_OS does have documentation on using the OS: https://support.system76.com/#learn

    But for using the commandline in general, there are a number of resources out there from books to courses. I’ll list some but I can’t really vouch for them.

    • https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-the-command-line - This one seems like a general take on using the command line. I think it’s free and it’s just the certificate that needs to be paid for if you wish to have it.
    • https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners#1-overview - Ubuntu actually has a tutorial on using the command line. Hopefully it’s similar enough with Pop!_OS that you don’t have to guess around.
    • https://exercism.org/tracks/bash/about - This one actually goes over using Bash, the shell/programming language typically found on a Linux system. This one is more like a list of exercises to do so it might be more useful after you’ve gone through the courses/experience of using the command line.
    • The Linux Command Line by William Shotts (https://linuxcommand.org/index.php). He has both a free “Internet Edition” (under Books) of the book and there’s the version published by No Starch Press. A quick skim between the two version, both the Internet Edition and the published edition seem about the same so I doubt you’ll miss out on anything by using the Internet Edition.

    Digging through my early days of playing around in Linux distros, I remember man -K <keyword> (capital K, lowercase k does something different) was helpful to me. man -K basically let you search for a command based on whatever keyword you put in. Although the controls for it when you get multiple results is a bit…obtuse. Make sure you read the bottom line, usually they tell you what different keys will do.

  • If people felt they can’t really escape an essential product from a shitty company because of cost, or even convenience, I’d understand.

    Warning: angry rant.

    But this is a video game. Playing video games is my primary hobby. I do it a lot. It’s how I spend quality time with my long-distance partner as well. But it is not essential to my life. We actually have a very viable option of not buying a product from a company helmed by evil, shitty people. It should’ve been more clear-cut.

    Ultimately, my disappointment over this runs pretty deep. I will never respect Blizzard as a company. Honestly, I had hoped that MS acquiring them would mean breaking them up and scattering the resources to different departments. The fact that I think MS is the better of the two probably says a lot about my disdain for Blizzard at this point.

  • The co-op modes are 3 vs 1 and 3 vs AI controlled boss. I only played the vs AI boss, and you all get separate boards until a specific event occurs. Then it merges and everyone gets to put their piece anywhere across the three boards. It only lasts for a little bit, and then the board splits again.

    The PvP modes are called:

    • Zone battle (incorporates their time-stopping mechanic)
    • Score attack (standard Tetris, no interfering blocks for the player lagging behind)
    • Classic Score attack (standard Tetris, but you don’t get hard drops or holds, and again, no interfering blocks)

    One thing I found out is that if you want to play against the CPU, you can just load up a local match and add player’s twice on the same controller. The second “adding” will fill the rest with CPUs.

    It’s available on both PC and Switch. However, from what I could find out, you need the Switch Online membership to play multiplayer online. But you haven’t mentioned an interest in that so it should fit your requirements really well.

    It’s currently 50% off on both Steam and Nintendo eShop

    Hope that helps!

  • I highly recommend, for a first project, to limit yourself to just one game mechanic.

    Limit your scope

    For example: It sounds like you want to make a platformer? Maybe limit yourself to just an endless runner type where the character has to jump over obstacles. A bit like flappy bird but your character is grounded instead of flying. This way, you can focus your effort on at least two major aspects of the game:

    • Character movement
    • Map generation

    Game Design Document

    Another thing to consider doing is putting together a game design document. Write down what kind of game you want to make, and break it down into their constituent mechanics. Then, maybe try ranking them from what you think could be the easiest to implement to the hardest. You may want to look up tutorials on how to implement those various mechanics and rank them that way if you’re unsure.

    Having a game design document can be helpful, especially if you remind yourself not to go beyond the scope you have set out for yourself. It may help you focus on what you need to do and not get distracted by new features you just thought up of. Not to say you should throw those new ideas out, but write them down under “future ideas” and worry about them after you have a minimum viable product.

    To be fair, not everyone will agree on how helpful this can be, but I think having something written down can help act as a reminder, or a means of focusing yourself. Wouldn’t hurt to try


    As for bugs, honestly, that’s part and parcel of programming. One thing that I found works for me when I get too frustrated is to step away from the computer. Take a snack break, or go for a walk, or play a game. Come back with a clear head, and I usually figure out my issue.

    I hope that helps provide some guidance on overcoming that overwhelming feeling. Best of luck to you!

  • I’ll probably take some flak for my answers, but here I go!


    Maybe I would’ve loved it if I had got to the game before the fandom madness got to me. But to be fair, it looks like it’s visually designed to tap into that 80’s nostalgia, which would’ve bore me anyway.

    Destiny 2

    I used to enjoy that game (and Destiny). Played it way more than I’d like to admit. But as my anxiety got worse, the more I abhorred the way they force you into matchmaking for PvE content, then give you all kinds of reasons why you have to do those PvE content where you’re forced to play with random players. Then there’s the changes Bungie had made that made the game more and more hostile to me on a mechanics level. Lately, it also feels like they’re treating Destiny 2 as a money-printing machine.

    Diablo 4

    Because Blizzard. I had a whole rant but I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. I simply will not give Blizzard any money moving forward.

  • The allegation section of the post is…wild. Good thing the dev had the presence of mind to record it. The audacity of the CEO to lie about what went on in the call…well, I guess I’m not surprised by that, but more surprised he got caught!

    But I guess ultimately, how many people are going to hear about how easily Reddit’s CEO will lie through his teeth? How many will care? It’s kind of depressing to think about 😥

  • employers don’t necessarily care how good your code is (as a junior dev)

    Maybe this is what I needed to hear to breathe a little easier, that employers won’t focus too hard on it. I know if I make it open source, I could get some feedback on the code too. I just hope it’s constructive and not unnecessarily harsh!

    I have a lot to learn still but that’s okay.

    We never stop learning, and I’m glad for that. I think that’s partly why I enjoy programming/coding. I always feel like I’m learning something new, even when I’m writing code I’ve written before. I actually like going to Code Abbey and doing some of the challenges there. Also, the exercism #12in23 challenge felt right up my alley. I love learning new languages, even if they frustrate the hell out of me!

    Good luck with your project!

    Thank you! 😊

  • I’m actually getting close to reaching my project’s minimum viable product (MVP) milestone!

    It’s actually a combination of a personal project and a final project for Harvard’s CS50x (Intro to Comp Sci) course. My project is a colour-mixing app, tentatively named "Smear."1 The user is presented with a grid, and fill one cell with a colour. They fill another one perpendicular to the first cell, and the app fills the cells in between with a gradient of the two colours.

    It’s made with React (using vite + swc) and I have seriously considered making it open source. My only hesitation is, I have no delusions about how amateurish my code is structured. I haven’t used React since 2016 and back then it was very surface level stuff. They changed quite a bit.

    I also want to use this project in my portfolio…and I’m worried making it open source will expose how unqualified I am as a React developer 😢. It could just be my imposter syndrome talking, maybe it’s not that bad, but do I really want to take that risk?

    The next project I want to work on is a font manager, primarily for Windows. I know there are others out there but a lot of them are made with Electron. Electron-based apps are okay, but I don’t want my computer to be inundated with them. I tend to multitask and I’m finding that unfortunately, 16 GB might not be quite enough. All that said, I want to make one using Python and PySide (Qt wrapper for python). I know Python isn’t the fastest, but it’s the language I’m most familiar with (and like) that has a Qt wrapper. And Qt because I’ve heard how lightweight it is.

    1. Yeah, not the best name, LOL. If you guys have a better idea, please throw them my way!

  • Every so often, I log in, make a new Warden character, and play for a bit. Then I get distracted by other projects and games 😁

    I’m pretty sure I have a total of over 10 Wardens at this point. That said, I really love the class. Haven’t found an (MMO)RPG that has the same Gambit system as LotRO’s Warden class. I might have to try and remedy that.

    Sad to hear the API is so rough though. Would’ve been neat to make a plugin for the game.