“Ahh, just an episode of something before I got to bed,” I innocently say to myself
I Lived | She/Her
“Ahh, just an episode of something before I got to bed,” I innocently say to myself
‘mono’ sounded cool, second part randomly generated. Kept clicking until saw good one
My first clear memory is my parents dragging me on Spaceship Earth, literally kicking and screaming because I thought it was going to be scary. I can still see that one like it was yesterday and to be fair to baby me, you ever see a ball that big floating off the ground?
Eh, Lemmy’s alright, but it’s no bowl of Special K
I wanted to work in tv, I even got as far as picking film as an optional module at school. Got pretty good at writing and editing (directing and cinematography, not so much). But my grades in the sciences were higher and my parents pushed me towards doing STEM at university.
Now I have a job and all the learning is behind me I’m having another crack at it again in my spare time. As hobbies go it’s a lot of fun