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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Unfortunately the only way I see Democrats coming around is by demonstrating to them in material terms that zionists cannot win elections, that there’s a certain point beyond which you cannot vote shame democratic voters into supporting or overlooking this kind of evil.

    I’m not someone who wants Trump, I personally am in a group that will be directly and severely effected by a GOP presidency before most, but the only way to get the Democratic party on a track for a future that isn’t just “not as far right as the GOP” is to let them learn that neoliberalism is an abject failure and has no future. That it’s unteneable to hold people’s rights hostage as a threat.

    If the party doesn’t realize that then we are going to just continue sliding further to the right until a few cycles from now it’s the same as if Trump had won anyway.

  • The great irony is that the far right-wing Israeli government has made Israel the least safe place for jews. Not only that, but they’re undermining their own colonial project – this war is doing exactly what zionists were desperately trying to avoid; prompting the greater public to draw a more clear, accurate line between “jewish” and “Israeli”.

    As much as the death and destruction is horrible and needs to end immediately, I think this kind of thing was the only way the rest of the world was going to wake up about what has been going on in Palestine for the past 70 years.