@asklemmy How do you listen to music / podcasts? At what places?

For me, I mostly listen on podcasts during my drive or commuting on the train, via bluebooth earphones even in my car.

When doing deep work such as #programming on the computer, I listened to music out loud (bluetooth speaker) in my home office.

Share your favourite apps, channels or even gadgets in your audio experience.

#audio #music #podcasts #listening #sharing #survey #lemmy #kbin #topic #mastodon

  • Duchess@yiffit.net
    1 year ago

    i use spotify, on my browser while i’m in the office and using spicetify while i’m home. on my phone i’ll use xmanager. i’ll use headphones if i’m in the office but my monitor’s or phone’s speakers at home. i listen to podcasts all the time, either that or video essays. my favourites are stuff on true crime and video games.