From the article: *Large SUVs were particularly affected. According to the police, notes were attached to the cars indicating that they were harmful to the climate. The tyres were not punctured, but merely deflated. The cars were parked in the area between the S-Bahn line and Elbchaussee around Kanzleistraße. *

Personally, I like this protest way more than glueing themselves to the streets, causing traffic jams where cars burn gasoline for hours and ambulances / firefighters / police gets stuck, putting innocent life in danger.

The article is in German. Warning: this link leads to google translate.

    1 year ago

    The SUV owner is going to pay a cost eventually either way, the only difference is when they pay enough of a cost from climate change itself to wake up it will be far too late, so you may as well exact the cost on them now wherever you can so they cannot ignore that it is effecting their life in an immediate way.

    That said, I think protests like this are primarily about keeping climate change squarely in public discussion. Same reasoning with the activists who splashed paint on the glass cover of that Van Gogh painting.

    No one anywhere should be able to just ignore climate change and nothing is more important than confronting it, not an SUV, not a glass cover on a Van Gogh painting, not the coal jobs in West Virginia.