i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I hope that the mod-user relationship will be healthier here. (Bias, I was a reddit moderator.)

    Some reddit mods were crap, this is true. Powermods and sub collectors were real. They did shit up a few communities.

    But these people were a very small proportion of all moderators. Most moderators I met were chill, and just wanted to chip in to their respective communities to give back, in a way. Volunteering for internet janitor duty, because no matter how much people use the term as an insult it turns out public spaces need janitors - or they get filled with shit, trash, graffiti (and not the cool kind either, mostly badly drawn swastikas). It’s not a position that should be glorified, or anything, because that’s weird, but I hope that some semblance of basic respect can be maintained here on Lemmy - both ways, meaning no powermods but also no defaulting to assuming mods suck.

    • Yhmg@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      I say this with the best of intentions so bear with me, but I think most of the disdain towards moderators on Reddit came from locking threads due to “excessive trolling” or “y’all can’t behave” etc. It was so visible and immediately shut down conversation which was frustrating for average users. In my opinion excessive trolling isn’t a reason to shut a thread. The only things that would really need to be shut down would be things that are straight up illegal. Obviously people saying offensive things or trolling is an issue but, again in my opinion, that’s what the whole upvote downvote system is for, and moderators can step in for things that are blatantly out of line.