• kromem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I know that a lot of people are debating the accuracy of some of the more grotesque details and how much is propaganda or truth, and a number have pointed to the lack of official confirmation for some of those claims as evidence of exaggeration.

    While I can’t speak to the specifics of what did or didn’t occur in Gaza or what Israel’s official stance is going to be about victim dignity vs transparency, what I can speak to is the nuances of official reporting for the theater attack in France years ago.

    Initially eyewitness reports came out that discussed some of the degree of mutilation and torture that occurred over the hours the terrorists held the hostages. Which were later officially denied.

    Unfortunately, we had a friend that was present at that attack, and to put it lightly the more detailed initial reports only scratched the surface of what he described having occured. He later took his own life because of the severity of the PTSD.

    I don’t know how or why the official response was to say those things hadn’t happened or downplay the hyperviolence of what occurred. And I have no idea if those reasons would extend to Israel’s approach here.

    But having heard firsthand eyewitness testimony of the violence and cruelty taking place to hostages of another Islamic terrorist attack, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the rumors in this case were all true. Similarly, because of the prior situation, I don’t see the lack of official confirmation as evidence that they aren’t.

    Personally, I’d hope whatever those reasons were to deny or suppress details might change in the future, as the world should know what really happens in situations like that and what horrors survivors actually went through and the burden they carry following it.