He wakes me at 5am every day because he slams stuff really loud. He doesn’t even have work early he just wake up at 5am and stays home all day.
Should I do revenge on him and slamm stuff at 12 am when I go to sleep
Don’t escalate, he is home all day and has more time to escalate.
Talk nicely, make a friend, move are all good options.
Based on OP’s comments I believe this is some trolling attempt
Unspoken expectations are pre-medidated resentments.
Don’t retaliate, it will only escalate. Use your grown up voice and mention the slamming wakes you up.
Call the police and make a noise complaint every single morning. Let the owners know you’re doing the same. Give the police the owners contact info.
The police here won’t even show up if you’re getting murdered
Go to bed early ( only psychopaths go to bed late, prowling the streets for their victims ) and wake up at 5am. It is the most peaceful time to get things done.
Who tf wants to stay up late and be miserable when it’s dark outside
Waking up at 5am is so fucking miserable and psychotic , especially when you’re not forced to
Who tf wants to wake up when it’s dark outside
Best bet is police reports. Stack enough of them, someone has to do something. if this is apartment related.
Put whoopie cushions in the door.
Invest in a $2 pair of ear plugs, apartments tend to be like that. Most likely the person is not doing it intentionally, or if they are then the best revenge you can get is to tell them how well you selpt in spite of their futile efforts to annoy you.
that’s a cool solution you just made up and posted on the internet for fun because you’re pretending to be a person
try sleeping in ear plugs and see how your ear holes feel
I dont use plugs any more but i used to, i found a sleep mask that has headphone speakers built in playing an audiobook or white noise is ideal for me.
They make different kinds, some might be more comfortable than others. I am indeed a real person, who has experience sleeping in very loud environments.
This is a fairly common thing people actually do. I always have earplugs and a sleep mask in my bag when I’m traveling.
well i wear ear plugs a lot for work and I can’t do it. plus, your brain raises the perceived volume of sounds after just a few minutes and so while you are preventing damage from loud sounds, the isolation effect isn’t really that significant
Are you yelling because they’re in right now?
Maybe they mistook ear for butt. And the latter just slipped in.
why not
Escalation sucks when the other side has little to lose.
What do I have to lose . And it’s not like I have a choice either, I can’t see afford to move I’m trapped here in a cycle of suffering and literal hell
First, it won’t stop the problem.
Second, you stupidly posted about it online meaning it’s a planned thing. He might be accidentally loud. You’re planning harassment. Guess who the cops will arrest.
He’s a person. Talk to him nicely. He may have no idea at all that he’s bothering people, so don’t come in hot like a crazy person.
I had no idea our 40lb Boston Terrier/Beagle mix walking around was so loud for our downstairs neighbors. After they told us, we invested in some rugs to try and dampen the sound.
Of course, they would get into screaming matches at 3am with each other until the cops were called - then the cops would ring our buzzer because they refused to answer.
I do not miss apartment living.
No because it’s obvious he’s harassing me. Any time I make the smallest noise he bangs on the wall
don’t listen to him. you need to show dominance. take a crap in the guy’s mouth
I would practice with an alligator first, just to be safe
What’s your relationship with your neighbor? I’d say try to communicate with them before turning this into one of those stereotypical neighbor feuds.
Ist really bad he has always hated me
Gee, I wonder why
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What type of neighbor? House, townhouse, apartment?
What exactly is he banging? Garbage bins, Kitchen Cabinets, Dresser, Closet?
There are solutions that don’t involve being an asshole back to them in some of those situations.
Yeah indeed he could just try asking nicely 😀
Apsrmtent, and I would say cabinets and doors
You could go order something that helps with that and ask them nicely to use them.
Something like these are cheap and easy: https://www.amazon.ca/Scotch-SP951-NA-Self-Stick-Rubber-Bumper/dp/B01N74P0QB/
Lol with the force he is slamming things at nothing will help
try talking to him and approaching him with respect and kindness….
He was never respectful
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he’s probably hard of hearing
He’s not
If you rent, get your landlord to talk with them. It’s likely that they simply don’t know how loud they are. Otherwise you could write a nicely worded letter.
If all diplomatic options are exhausted, then I would hang up some speakers so they’re facing into the wall; then go ham with the heaviest, bassiest songs I have at all times that your local by-laws allow that also overlap with the times they would be sleeping.
I did this with a particularly shitty neighbour and it apparently solved the issue (though maybe they were finally evicted). They would be up until 3-4 am (sometimes later) literally blasting music and I have to leave for work by 830am; so, I started blasting some dubstep into walls at 8am.
My speakers broke because I am in a third world country and I got jbl speakers from some Romanian website which just broke for some reason and they had a 2 year warranty but apparently they just don’t want to fix them so now I’m poor and can’t buy speakers again why is life so sad
:( shit