People in the UK drink so much tea (or coffee these days), that breaks in soap operas (such as Eastenders) cause the national grid to be on high alert, due to the incredulous surge of power from so many kettles being turned on at once.
That’s incredible actually
Almost as many saunas as cars. One sauna for every ~1.7 people.
You have the best hard seltzer full stop. Also how’s USA cosplay day lately?
Losing a war with flightless birds.
Have you tried diplomacy?
We try to get the fallen back but none yet.
Death from not being able to afford medical care
They said “unique”, not “very common”
I mean it’s still unique to the US. Plenty of other, poorer countries have better healthcare.
By poorer countries you probably mean poorer countries that are still rich (every country is poorer than the US), most countries have no free healthcare and if they have you’ll probably get more sick by going to the Hospital
Szent János hospital (Budapest):
Okay not my country of residence, but you can choose to burn at the 4th hottest global temp of 54C (129F) or you can also freeze at -65C (-85F).
Optionally, you can also enjoy staring directly at the sun as it rises or sets due to the air pollution.
Oh and you can also find this funni river dolphin:
I didn’t know this would be a guessing game. What is Pakistan?
Hehe yes.
Sir, this is a duck
What a guy
We start our spicy food tolerance early, our candy is spicy.
Yeah, a lot of cultures love spice, but Mexico is the only one I’m aware of that loves spicy candy specifically.
Going to the forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and berries. Going to the beach to pick up washed out amber. Having a lot of people grow their own food, even the city folk.
Oh that sounds like a dream!
If you like the former Soviet romantic a bit and can live with the fact that you are on Russia’s doorstep it’s indeed a very nice country. I had friends there,it’s really nice.
I was 99% sure Finland for the first one though, but somewhat makes sense
Czechia… except we are landlocked. Poland, then?
Look at my flag, lol. :D
Does not show up in my client, and the desc does not either when opening your profile.
Well, it’s Lithuania:)
Being atheistic as the norm. Sky daddies don’t hold much power here.
Found a Czech. That makes about 7 of us. We should start a community!
Yaaay! I think there’s already !, though it’s not very active.
There used to be and instances, actually. Both ended less than a year ago.
Well, if you want a Czech-ran instance, you can join mine instance,, though it doesn’t really focus on Czechs. Didn’t know about any of those, sadly.
That’s just…not unique tho
There are like 4 countries in the world where less than half people is religious. Of those I live in the one where huge majority is not religious. We’re the most atheistic country in the world. Because “only” quarter of our population is lunatic enough to believe in such bullshit.
So yes, very much unique.
I mean, that’s just not true, at all, just like religion
UK. Cold and hot water coming from separate taps. WTF? I was once told that it is because hot water boilers used to have their tops open to the outside, which meant the hot water could contain some debris, so it was important to use it only for washing and not let it mix with cooking water. But in bathrooms in some modern builds that definitely don’t use that kind of boilers you still get separate taps. I told one of my British colleagues about how it’s been bothering me since I moved here and she said “oh yeah, I never realised that I’ve never seen that in any other country”. She also told me that kids are just taught to wash their hands quickly under the hot tap, so that they don’t run the water long enough for it to turn scolding hot. WTactualF?
But are showers just one head still?
Haha luckily yes!
Weirdest UK experience for me was the electrical shower heater thingy. Still can’t wrap my head around that one. But it’s apparently not unique to the UK.
kids are just taught to wash their hands quickly under the hot tap, so that they don’t run the water long enough for it to turn scolding hot. WTactualF?
That’s a wtf within the UK as well, just fill the bowl with water using the taps to get the right temperature.
- Car insurance is optional
- Kids get govt subsidised dental care until they’re 18
- Most common prescriptions are $5 or free
- We did away with pennies because they’re pointless
- It’s common to go barefoot into shops and grocery stores
- Most kids in elementary school go barefoot
- Semi automatic weapons banned
- Kids get 20 hours govt subsidised daycare per week
- When you sell your car the license plate typically goes with it
- Most gas stations serve hot food and it’s good (by American standards)
- Online banking allows instant direct cross-bank money transfer, so nobody uses Paypal or Venmo
- Nobody pays by check, nobody carries around a checkbook
- It’s not unusual for public parks to have exercise equipment
- For short domestic flights, time between entering the airport and boarding the plane can be as short as 60 seconds
- The milky way is still visible in good sized towns
- Praying mantises are still common
- Money (bills and coins) feature women, nature, and explorers not war generals, bankers, and buildings.
Seems pretty good. Where?
I’m guessing New Zealand.
I guess NZ. But it’s just a guess.
Yeah, well, my guess is they’re either a bot or full of shit about where they live.
They post a bunch about U.S. Politics.
Where is this ? Do you have giant insects there or deadly weather to compensate?
Since you asked…
I was going to say Australia until children attending school barefoot. I’ve also never caught a domestic flight in 60 seconds.
school shootings (being common)
Our court system can sue a bag of money, find it guilty, then the bag of money goes to the coffers of the police department that legally stole it from a citizen that committed no crime other than having a bag of money.
… You’re American, aren’t ya
Ketchup chips.
What kind of chips do you mean? French fries or Lays? If the latter, I doubt it. If the first, I doubt it. Salt and vinegar crisps on the other hand, are uniquely popular in the UK.
Potato chips! We have salt and vinnies here too. Not unique to the UK at all.
In 150km of travel you can technically cover elevation of > 8,500 m
My country is the opposite. It’s pretty much impossible to travel 150km and accumulate more than 8500 height meters. (highest point is 170 meters, and it’s a loooong walk to get there).
Living below sea level for generations, and only remembering when you see other countries flood.
if NL gets annihilated by some climate related disaster, can the rest of the world claim hubris
Absolutely. You get first dibs on “I told you so”. But until then, I get the right to go “neener neener neeeeeener”" at the sea.
Luckily, you are already trained to used these bad boys: