This is probably my biggest gripe with that argument. So, so many people harp on kids and pretty much anyone playing a ton of video games. Then they just sit there and watch movies or the news or scroll social media for hours and hours but somehow that’s magically totally fine and different.
IMO it’s even worse. At least when playing a game you are using more of your brain. You train hand eye coordination. You can solve puzzles, train reflexes…
Watching movies or doomscrolling just does nothing.
Additionally depending on the game you may be getting social interaction that you are never going to get form your TV.
Whoch can be a positive as well as a negative. Some communities are toxic af.
Why You Should Hate Young People
Because they keep playing those video games, of course!
I for one love gaming. Also memes about how old people are stupid and deserve our scorn. Love those too.
I don’t think this is about hating old people, it’s about old people who hard on young people for dumb stuff for no reason, while being no better themselves
I’ve had old people harp on me for playing video games, abd then all they did was sit and watch TV and drink beer
My dad-in-law is like this, dismisses games as a "time wastin brainrot "then proceeds to sit in the dirty diaper of ‘tv news opinions’ he just leaves on the tele all day
Yeah but video games literally are better for your brain than TV. This isn’t just being no better than young people, they literally are rotting their brain while the young person playing video games might actually be bettering themselves. It’s peak projection.
Or worse, they play their own games, but it’s all gambling nonsense.
And Fox News does not rot your brain?
omg this didn’t effect me but I had family members who couldn’t even watch pokemon due to the concept that you are enslaving animals and that Jessie in team rocket and misty were too rude.
I understand raising your kids but damn talk about being sheltered by your parents.
I mean, recognizing that I say this with some jest, Pokémon isn’t all that different from dog fighting. Capturing innocent animals and forcing them to fight each other for your entertainment.
Except that it’s virtual. Kids weren’t being inspired to fight their pets the same why that kids who played Quake weren’t inspired to fight in death matches.
Yup, WWE is much more harmful than any videogame, because kids actually mimic WWE.
fully agree, if that was their main reason i would understand, its just the blatant disregard for the actual meaning of the show. As someone who was a pretty big fan up to black/white, their reasoning’s for not being able to watch it seems absurd. Like sure you catch Pokemon and force them to fight, 100% valid. It’s just judging the entire thing based off the personality style of both TR and Misty seemed ridiculous IMO. Like sure Misty and Jessie weren’t amazing on the personality side for the first season or two, but like they did get better, and it was clear that the rudeness wasn’t meant to be what the focal point was.
I was never a huge fan; more of a passing interest, but I also dropped off after black/white.
N Was Right
I honestly couldn’t play PalWorld because you couldn’t even pretend you’re all just buddies paling around, you’re hitting the poor things with sticks and making steaks out of them when theyre not useful on your plantation anymore Q_Q
Why do you think depresso is so… depressed.
Because his “owner” won’t let him play NIN all day, obviously.
NGL; it put a sour taste in my mouth when I got to the butcher knife part, I refused to use it lol
Watch that mouth of yours, whippersnapper!
*Why you should hate everything and everyone
What about brain-training games?
Those are just well designed video games
I used to be a gamer, I know they are bad for your brain.
Some games are Skinner box slot machine dopamine pumps and stores with games attached, some are art, and everything else is somewhere in between.
There’s plenty of games that are art, but you don’t typically need to spend 100s of hours to appreciate them as works of art.
After playing too many games for years, my belief is that even the best games falsely and too easily satisfy our need to succeed at something.
Then play better games. There are tons of great puzzle games that make you think, sandbox games that encourage creativity, story games that deal with heavy emotions, strategy games that train tactical reasoning.
Too much of anything is bad, but you can do a lot worse than video games.
I used to be a gamer. Still am, but i used to too
Only multi-player games
Hardly. Almost all video games are pure sugar for the parts of our brains that want to succeed at something.
That’s just not true. A lot of games do that, but a lot genuinely exercise your mind. Stick to the latter and avoid the skinner boxes.
Depends on the game tbh. Online PvP games are terrible for you because you are interacting with toxic scum all day most of the time. Isonzo has been a pleasant exception where the community is usually fairly nice. But most games it’s awful.
I expect something like Factorio is pretty good for your brain.